Categories: Life Style

Bratz TV Show On Cartoon Network That We Completely Forgot Existed!

Bratz dolls offered Barbie a lot more competition. Bratz’s merchandise, promotional materials went far beyond school pencils or t-shorts. Cartoon Network aired a two-season television series that chronicled the lives of Bratz’s teenage success.

Bratz Also is known as Bratz The Series The animated television series ‘, was produced by Mike Young Productions and MGA Entertainment and distributed by Lionsgate Television. The series aired in 2005-2006 on Cartoon Network as well as 4Kids TV.

The series featured four teenage girls running their own teen magazine while trying to balance school and family life. Cloe, Jade, and Sasha were the girls who dealt with a rival magazine called “Your Thing,” which was run by the self-proclaimed “Reigning Queen of Fashion”Burdine Maxwell. Burdine Maxwell also had identical twins interns Kirstee & Kaycee, who are known as “the Tweevils, “To do her dirty job.

The show was not always received well by critics despite the popularity of the dolls. Common Sense Media thought the show could have negative effects on young viewers. They felt that the show’s emphasis on fashion and looks sent the wrong message.

Recently, a web series entitled Talkin’ BratzThe original Bratz TikTok page broadcast the show. Ogie Banks and Olivia Hack, the original members of Bratz TikTok, reprise their roles in Cloe and Dylan.

After the cancellation, a movie was made. series. Bratz: TheThe film centered on the four main characters entering high school. It premiered in 2017. Nathalia Ramos portrayed Yasmin, Skyler Shaye played Cloe, Janel Perrish was Jade, Logan Browning was Sasha. The film addresses the daily problems teens face, including rivalries and cliques. They compete in a talent show at school.

Bratz dolls are still available and can be purchased. You can also purchase merchandise online and at select retailers.