Being A Highly Sensitive Person Isn’t A Flaw, It’s A Superpower

You might be labeled sensitive, dramatic, or weak if you exhibit strong emotions and are filled with empathy. And—being a highly sensitive person—that might make you feel demoralized, demeaned, and devalued.

Highly sensitive people, also known as HSPs, can be more powerful than we might think. They have an enhanced ability to notice subtleties in their environment and in other people’s emotional states.

How To Know If You’re A Highly Sensitive Person

Viola Davis, Emmy-winning actress and model, addressed the matter on Instagram in an Open Letter “highly sensitive women”(Sourced from a psychologist). Dr. Michaela

() Who are having difficulty with their careers.

“When you’re a highly sensitive woman trying to do all the things you need to excel in your career (and keep your bosses happy) whilst managing overwhelm, burnout, imposter syndrome, anxiety, and overthinking everything is HARD,”Davis wrote.

While she might be a Hollywood superstar, many of us can relate.

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Bright lights, strong odors, and coarse fabrics can also cause HSPs to become overwhelmed. HSPs may find it difficult to relax when they have a lot of work.

Because of societal expectations and norms, HSPs are often judged for being too emotional or taking too much from others. They may feel exhausted and depleted. All

These are your feelings.

But HSPs can use these supposed flaws in their favor—sensitivity can be a superpower.

The Bright Side Of Sensitivity

Psychologist Elaine Aron The high-sensitivity trait was first identified.1991. One in five people has a set genes that create a highly-tuned central nervous systems. Aron believes that these characteristics were created to help people survive in prehistoric times.

These longevity strategies can be very useful in modern times in many ways.

  • Take a decisionIt is called what it is by some. “overthinking,”But taking the time to observe and making the right choice is never a bad thing. HSPs think before talking.
  • Attention To DetailHSPs can detect subtleties and make mistakes that others might miss.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Research shows that HSPs have high-functioning superior mirror neurons, which means they can sense others’ emotions long before anyone else.
  • Appreciation Of Beauty: If you’re highly sensitive, it’s likely you enjoy scents, sounds, tastes, and works of art more than the average person.

All of this adds up to someone who’s awesome both to work with and to be friends with. Don’t let others convince you it’s a weakness and not a strength. It’s a gift! 

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