Are Clementines As Healthy As Oranges?

According to Tufts UniversityAfter adjusting for their size, clementines share the same nutritive value as oranges, but oranges have slightly more fiber, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and calcium per ounce. However, clementines have more iron, vitamin C, vitamin B3, vitamin D6, vitamin B6, vitamin BB9, and vitamin e. FoodStruct


Citrus fruits are good for heart disease prevention and stroke prevention. Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health). According to HealthlineClementines are good for skin. They can improve acne and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

No matter if you like oranges or Clementines, there are many options. CDC recommends aiming for at least 1½ or 2 cups of fruit per day. Healthline states that two clementines will be sufficient to provide a standard serving. However, this is not a problem because they are so delicious, low in calories, and small in size. Clementines have low amounts of fat and protein. EatWell

Clementines can be paired with cheese, yogurt, or other protein-rich foods to make them a satisfying snack.