Anti-Fogging Sprays on Glasses: Cancer-Causing Chemicals

  • According to a study, the top anti-fog products in eyeglasses or face shields are those that contain a combination of sunblock and sunscreen. “forever chemicals.”
  • Research has shown that forever chemicals (PFAS), have been linked to thyroid problems, cancer and infertility.
  • Other studies also found trace amounts of PFAS in everyday products such as shampoo and water.

The best anti-fogging sprays available for eyeglasses High levels of cancer-causing chemical substancesAccording to Duke University researchers, the answer is yes. 

The study was published in Environmental Science & Technology, analysed four of most popular anti-fog products and five of Amazon’s highest-rated fogging fabrics. These cloths are used to prevent the accumulation of condensation on eyeglasses or face shields.

All products were found to have high levels of radon. Toxic perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAS)More commonly, it is known as “forever chemicals.”The nine products were particularly positive for fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs). fluorotelomer ethoxylates (FTEOs)Two types of “forever chemicals.”

The following is an extract from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Research has connected forever chemicals to Cancer, hormonal imbalances, infertility.PFAS are often absorbed through the skin. 

The study’s authors stated that while PFAS was not surprising, their presence was. 

“Our tests show the sprays contain up to 20.7 milligrams of PFAS per milliliter of solution, which is a pretty high concentration,”Nicholas Herkert, Duke University’s study lead and postdoctoral researcher, Statement.

Ironically, researchers noted that many of these products were labeled “safe and nontoxic.” 

There are no federal laws that regulate the use ‘forever chemicals’ in everyday products.

There are no federal laws currently regulating the presence forever chemicals in everyday products, such as beauty products. Shampoo

Some sparkling water brands also contain PFAS. Many products containing PFAS are not required to be labeled or labeled. 

Over the last year, Two bills were introducedBan chemicals from common beauty products forever due to their environmental effects and potential for cancer. The chemicals were found in popular products, according to a study.

The Duke researchers said that the latest findings on antifogging products, PFAS and the Duke study are particularly concerning due to the importance of using face shields during pandemics.

“Because of COVID, more people than ever—including many medical professionals and other first-responders—are using these sprays and cloths to keep their glasses from fogging up when they wear masks or face shields,”Heather Stapleton is a Duke University professor of environmental chemistry, health, and physiology. In a statement. “They deserve to know what’s in the products they’re using.”