All pet owners should be aware of the following 10 warning signs: A dog has died from an incurable human disease.

According to health officials, a PET-dog that tested positive for bird flu has been declared dead.

This dog was from Ontario Canada. He contracted the disease after eating wild goose.


Pet dog dies after being tested positive for bird fluCredit: Getty


The possibility that bird flu might mutate in order to be more effective at spreading it among humans

An autopsy showed the dog’s respiratory system was affected, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) said Tuesday.

“It is the only case of its kind in Canada,” it said in a statement.

“Based on the current evidence in Canada, the risk to the general public remains low and current scientific evidence suggests that the risk of a human contracting avian influenza from a domestic pet is minor,” it added.

It Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty and Harm to Animalsls (RSPCA) has previously warned dog owners to keep a close eye on their pets while out walking near coastlines amid the outbreak of avian flu.

Although AI risk to your dog is very low, it’s possible for your dog to become infected and spread the disease to others. A spokesperson for charity said that dead or dying birds might also carry other diseases that could pose a risk to dogs’ health.

This virus has decimated millions of birds around the world in just two years. But it also impacts other animals like seals, harbour porpoises, and foxes.

Last month, two dolphins from Devon and Pembrokeshire were killed by the virus.

It comes as experts fear the bug could mutate making it even more harmful to humans than it currently is.

It World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), warned that mammals may act as “mixing containers” for viruses. This could result in new strains of virus which can be “more dangerous” for humans.

The H5N1 strain already has a fatality rate of around 50 per cent among people – 870 people have been infected with bird flu in the past 20 years and 457 of these died.

Scientists call on the government to develop a vaccine against bird flu before it spreads more widely among people.

Here are 10 symptoms that can be caused by bird flu.

The NHS states that the most common symptoms of bird flu can be seen in people very quickly.

  1. A very hot feeling or temperature, or feeling hot and shivery
  2. Achy muscles
  3. Headache
  4. A shortness or a severe cough
  5. diarrhoea
  6. Malady
  7. stomach pain
  8. chest pain
  9. Bleeding from the gums and nose
  10. conjunctivitis

Bird flu: How can you protect your pet?

Avian Influenza is not a threat to pets dogs, but it can be a serious problem. However, it is worth taking precautions to ensure your animal’s safety.

  • Raw meat from poultry or game birds should not be fed to pets, such as dogs and cats.
  • Do not permit pets to eat or play with wild birds that have been taken outside
  • If you have any questions regarding your pet’s health, please contact your veterinarian.

Source: Canadian Food Inspection AgeInncy