After three nights in New York State Swamp, Man from Singapore is Rescued

A man from Singapore visiting the Adirondacks in New York who went missing was rescued after he spent three days in a swamp, The Adirondack Daily Enterprise reported.

According to Adirondack Daily Enterprise, the unnamed 58-year old man was saved by forest rangers from the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

Authorities claim that he may not have survived a fourth night at Dix Pond Swamp if they hadn’t gotten there in time.

The man was hiking alone when he lost his way. After leaving a trail, he wandered for three days around the area before he finally found the right path. Times Union


Jamison Martin and Andrew Lewis, forest rangers, assisted in the rescue and search in the swamp. They said that the man was in extreme hypothermia because the temperature drops below 40 degrees each night. They claimed that he was drinking swampwater to stay hydrated, and was found with tattered clothing on his face and bug bites.

According to the rangers, the man was a college professor who had recently quit his job. He told his wife that he would be spending time in the Adirondacks and gave her a rough itinerary. According to Adirondack Daily Enterprise, he flew into JFK Airport and rented a car before making his way up the region.

His wife didn’t hear from him for a few days. She had been following his progress via Strava, a fitness tracker app, and noticed that his signal had gone out. The rangers told her that she then called the local authorities to get help.

Rangers managed to contact the car rental company and tracked the vehicle to Elk Lake, which leads to Dix Range. Adirondack Daily Enterprise reported that rangers found the vehicle, looked at the trail register, and saw that he had signed in but not out.

Lewis said to reporters that he found the man when he was discovered. “drenched from head to toe.”

Lewis added the swamp to his list “one of the most brutal swamps you could get stuck in.”

“You wouldn’t want to be in there three minutes, never mind three days,”Martin said.

The rangers cautioned that the trails could be dangerous and difficult for those who aren’t experienced. The rangers also advised against using GPS or apps for navigation because signals can get lost in the mountains and backwoods.

Rangers advised that hiking should be done with a paper map or compass, particularly when there is no cell coverage or the battery dies.

“He told his wife that he was never going to hike that mountain range again,”Martin said.