Surviving the Horrors of October 7: My Nephew’s Tragic Death and the Uncertainty of My Fiancé’s Fate


"From Dance Floor to Horror: Survivor’s Tale of the Deadly Supernova Music Festival Attack"

In the early hours of October 7, 2023, what should have been a celebration turned into a nightmare as armed militants launched a brutal attack on the Supernova Music Festival in Southern Israel. Festival-goers, who had come to revel in the music and atmosphere, were confronted with chaos and terror that would alter their lives forever.

The Start of the Attack: A Festival Turned Tragic

As dawn broke, the music abruptly stopped. Festival attendees, initially enthralled by what they thought was a pyrotechnic display, were soon gripped by horror as they realized those bright lights were missiles signaling the start of a violent massacre. The sound of gunfire replaced the joyous beats, and chaos ensued.

Ziv Abud, a 26-year-old festival-goer, miraculously survived the onslaught by hiding beneath a pile of bodies. Haunted by the loss of her fiancé, Eliya Cohen, who remains missing, Ziv shared her harrowing experience in an upcoming BBC documentary, "We Will Dance Again: Surviving October 7."

Chaos Amidst the Carnage: The Brutal Reality

The attack saw 364 people murdered and dozens taken hostage. As militants descended from the sky, festival-goers scrambled for cover—some hid in toilets, others under stages, while many cowered in bushes or even garbage skips. Ziv described the scene as "like Squid Game," reflecting the surreal and horrifying reality that unfolded.

This event marked one of the deadliest assaults in the ongoing Middle East conflict. Witnessing friends being taken and people slaughtered left deep scars on those who survived.

An Escape From Horror: Ziv’s Story of Survival

Ziv and her friends entered the festival with excitement. However, when the music stopped, panic set in. They initially believed it was a safety drill, only to discover the true nature of the threat as gunmen opened fire.

"Eliya is a music producer, so we were excited to be at what felt like the biggest festival in Israel in years," Ziv recalled. When the silhouette of a man in black emerged, firing a weapon, panic replaced excitement. "Either you run now and survive or you stay here, and it’s over for you," he screamed.

Amidst the confusion, the police provided conflicting instructions, raising Ziv’s anxiety. The pair managed to escape to their car, but they encountered traffic as they hit the road. A frantic phone call warned them not to use the road, leading them to seek shelter.

Trapped in Terror: The Fight for Survival

Finding refuge in an open shelter was meant to ensure safety, but the reality was far more sinister. Terrorists attacked, throwing grenades inside. Ziv described the terror as bodies piled on top of her, her instinct to survive kicking in as she fought through her fear.

"I felt I was dying; it was overwhelming," she said. It was only when she lost consciousness that she avoided being kidnapped, as gunmen presumed she was dead.

A shocking detail of this brutal attack involves a British artist named Aner, who heroically hurled grenades back out of the shelter, ultimately sacrificing his life when one exploded in his hand.

A Heart-Wrenching Rescue and Ongoing Fight

After several hours of terror, Ziv was rescued by a local man whose son was killed in the attack. The aftermath of the attack left deep psychological wounds, not just for Ziv but for many who were forced to experience unimaginable loss.

Once in the hospital, Ziv’s thoughts turned to Eliya. The next twist of horror unfurled when she learned from media reports that Eliya was taken hostage.

"I lost so many friends that day," Ziv expressed. "My focus now is to stay strong and continue the fight to bring Eliya home."

The Broader Impact of the Attack: A Nation in Mourning

What began as a celebration of peace and love transformed into a tragic reflection of the ongoing conflict in the region. The Supernova Music Festival is now associated with profound grief, loss, and the haunting memories that many survivors carry.

The timeline of events that followed the October 7 attack serves as a stark reminder of the violence that erupted, highlighting both the immediate casualties and the far-reaching consequences for countless families.

Conclusion: Remembering and Recovering

With about 50 survivors having taken their own lives since the attack, the psychological toll is staggering. The stories recounted by survivors will forever resonate within Israeli society, serving as reminders of the resilience needed to move forward amidst tragedy.

The documentary "We Will Dance Again: Surviving October 7" represents more than just a recollection of horror; it sheds light on resilience, the importance of remembering lost lives, and the continued struggle to understand the depth of human suffering caused by such acts of violence.

As Israel continues to grapple with the aftermath of this attack, Ziv and many others remain committed to fighting for their loved ones while calling attention to the human cost of conflict in their homeland.


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