10 Home Remedies to Treat Migraines

  • Home remedies such as melatonin and B2 supplements can help with migraine relief.
  • Avoid triggers such as alcohol, bright lights and loud noises to prevent migraines in the future.
  • Consult a doctor if you have migraines that are caused by vertigo or cognitive issues.
  • Get more advice at Insider’s Health Reference Library.

Migraine is a neurological condition that can cause headaches. Examples of symptomsYou may experience nausea, dizziness or fatigue. 

Consider consulting your primary doctor if you believe you are suffering from migraines. 

“The first step is to make sure that your headache has been properly evaluated and your specific headache syndrome is diagnosed,” says board-certified neurologist Thomas PittsHudson Medical + Wellness, New York City 

After you have confirmed that your pain is migraine-related, you can start to seek out relief. These home remedies can help relieve some symptoms of migraines.

1. Add magnesium

Adding a


Supplementing your diet with 400-500 mgs per day can prevent migraines, according to the American Migraine Foundation. The supplement can prevent the occurrences of aura.

You should limit the amount of magnesium you take if your pregnancy is imminent. Side effects include diarrhoea and abdominal cramping. 

2. Take vitamin B2

A small 2015 StudyIt was found that taking 400 mg of vitamin B2 daily reduced migraine frequency and severity by reducing side effects. sodium valproate.

Because of the limited number of studies available, more research is required to determine if vitamin B2 can prevent migraines. 

3. Have caffeine

A few studies have shown that caffeine can be beneficial in reducing anxiety. help treat migraines. However, 2019 Review found that chronic caffeine intake seemed to increase the chance of migraines — in particular, the Cleveland ClinicRecommendations are to limit caffeine intake to 150-200 mg daily. 

There are still more studies to be done to see if caffeine is effective in relieving migraines. Talk to your physician to find out if this treatment is right.

4. Hot or cold remedies can be used

According to The, migraine relief can be achieved by applying heat or cold. Mayo Clinic.

A small study found that a frozen neck wrap can significantly reduce pain when applied immediately after a migraine. 2013 Study. You can also relax your muscles by placing a heating pad on the neck or head. This will help relieve tension and even alleviate migraines. 

5. Yoga is a great practice

According to A.A., yoga can be combined with other natural remedies to help reduce migraine severity and frequency. 2015 Study


6. Avoid light

Because migraines can cause increased sensitivity to light or sound, it is important to have a doctor check your symptoms. Mayo ClinicRecommendations include relaxing in a quiet and dark room. Sleep if possible. 

7. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can reduce migraine risk by reducing anxiety.


According to the Mayo Clinic. Discuss with your doctor what exercises are recommended and how often. 

8. Get more sleep

Migraines sufferers should sleep well. A lack of sleep can lead to an attack.

A good sleep quality is achieved by getting to bed and waking at the same hour every night. 

9. Peppermint oil is a good option.

A Study 2010.It was discovered that peppermint menthol is an effective and safe treatment for migraines. Apply to the forehead or temples immediately you feel the migraine is developing. 

10. Melatonin is a good choice

The hormone melatonin helps regulate your circadian rhythm. It makes you feel tired at night, but more awake in the morning.

A Study 2010.It was found that migraine sufferers had unusually low levels melatonin. The research suggests that taking a melatonin supplement — up to 3 mg per day — could help with migraines.

Common migraine triggers

You can keep a migraine diary to track your triggers and help you avoid them. Note down when you experience a migraine. 

According to the Mayo ClinicCommon migraine triggers are:

  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Alcohol
  • Too much caffeine
  • Stress
  • Bright lights
  • Loud noises
  • Strong smells
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Jet lag
  • Physical exertion intense
  • Sexual activity
  • Weather changes
  • Some medications, such as oral contraceptives and nitroglycerin, are not approved by the FDA.
  • Avoiding meals
  • Salty and processed foods
  • Aged cheese
  • Additives to food like MSG or aspartame

When is it best to consult a doctor for migraines?

Pitts suggests that you seek medical attention if you have a migraine. 

  • Variations in intensity and quality
  • This is often accompanied with numbness
  • Vertigo is often associated with it
  • Cognitive problems are a result of these factors
  • Problems with leg or arm strength
  • You can either lie down or sit up and it gets worse. Or, you can change your position to alleviate the problem.

These symptoms could be combined with migraines and may indicate something more serious, such as stroke. A neurologist should rule this out.

Mild to moderate migraine relief can be achieved with some over-the counter medications, such as aspirin, acetaminophen or naproxen. Jessica AilaniDr., a neurologist and director of the MedStar Georgetown University Hospital’s Headache Center in Washington, DC. It is possible to determine which method works best for you by eliminating the options.

Sometimes, home remedies for migraines don’t work. Pitts suggests that there are excellent migraine medication options. According to the American Migraine FoundationMigraine-specific prescriptions are available TriptansSumatriptan or Zolmitriptan can be used. Doctors turn to other doctors when these medications fail to work. ergot alkaloidsMigrinal, Ergomar. 

Additional medical treatments include monthly injections and quarterly injections. If natural remedies fail to work for you, see your doctor. You should work together to find a medication that works. 

Insider’s takeaway

Home remedies can often prevent or control migraines. 

Pitts states that the best natural remedies for migraines include good sleep hygiene, exercise and taking a daily vitamin B2 and magnesium supplement. 

Pitts suggests that you see your primary care provider at least once a year to get a preventative screening. This will rule out any other health problems.