Zooey Deschanel Believes in Jonathan & Drew Scott “Don’t Look Alike at All”

Zooey DeschanelReally knows her man. 

It is not literally. No. New GirlStar, who’s dating? Property Brothers Jonathan Scott admits there is never a day where she confuses him for his twin brother, Drew Scott. “No, to me they don’t look alike at all,”The actress, 41 years old, said it during her appearance. The Kelly Clarkson Show Nov. 17. “And their personalities are so different. So, like, to me, they just don’t look alike.”

Zooey was a twin before she was even introduced to her love. “I was with my sister and my sister’s like ‘I cannot tell them apart,’ like, before we met them,”She revealed. “And I’m like ‘What do you mean? They look so different to me.’ So even before I met them, I thought they looked totally different.”

Are you still seeing double? Kelly Clarkson pointed out Drew has a beard, while Jonathan doesn’t.