Zara Rutherford, a 19-year-old pilot, just became the youngest woman to fly solo around the globe.

Zara Rutherford, a 19-year-old pilot, just completed her first solo flight around the globe by plane. She is the youngest woman to have done so. 

“It’s just really crazy,”Zara stated that Zara was still smiling afterward. “I haven’t quite processed it, I think. I mean, coming here, I was basically in tears just trying to imagine what it would be like finally being home after five months. And even this flight wasn’t easy, so I’m just super happy.”

Zara flew from Belgium in August to take the world by storm in her Shark ultralight microplane. 

She flew to five continents and, as much as she enjoyed the journey, she said she was glad to be back home. 

“Well, so I have been waiting for this sandwich from a sandwich shop that’s, like, really nearby,”She said. “And I’ve been waiting five months to get it, so I’m really looking forward to getting it hopefully soon.”

Zara holds a Guinness World Record. She is now heading to higher education to study engineering. 

She hopes that her experience will encourage other girls to pursue careers in science and technology.