Y&R Spoilers – Natalie Morales opens up about joining the soap

Soon, the Young and the Restless fans will be seeing a familiar face on the canvas. That’s because Natalie Morales, who many fans know as one of the hosts of “The Talk,”iShe is joining the show in an extraordinary role! Natalie plays Natalia, a reporter. Here’s what you need to know.

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Natalie Morales Opens Up About Joining The Soap

Natalie tells Soap Opera Digest, in a new interview, that she was shocked at the amount of lines she had learn in so little time when she first arrived on set. She stated, “When they gave me the first script, which is like 60 pages, I looked at all of the scenes and I was like, ‘This is one day? How are we going to get through all of this?!’ ”She thinks. “Those actors work really hard

and I give them so much credit for what they do. They call it ‘soap opera brain’ because of the way they’re able to memorize lines so quickly. They look at a page, they get it down and they do it.”

She said, “And here I am struggling a little with that because I’m used to live shots on television, but it’s very different because I’m saying things the way I would naturally say them. In this instance, you have to act, you have to hit your mark, you’ve got to make sure the blocking is right and then say the words that have to make sense and go, according to the script. It’s a lot to think about!”

Y&R Spoilers – Natalie Had A Lot Of Work From Day One

Natalie claims that Susan Walters, the actress who plays Diane, was by her side and helped her along the way. “I did a scene last week with Susan and she told me she was so nervous on her first day back, especially working with Peter Bergman [Jack] because he’s got a photographic memory,” Morales shared. “I was like, ‘Oh, good, so I’m not alone with this panic.’”

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