Xbox players rave over ‘pop-up’ trick that saves you money on games – it’s free to activate

XBOX will send you pop-up notifications when it’s the perfect time to save money on some of your most wanted wish list games.

This trick makes it easier to afford your favorite Xbox games.


Xbox Store will notify you when items on your wishlist are discountedCredit: Getty


Reddit users brought attention to the Xbox wishlist discount notification featureCredit: Reddit/Tyrantes

The software is available for free.

To get started, you just have to enable Xbox notifications.

Xbox Store will notify you when a product on your wishlist is discounted.

A Reddit user brought the new Xbox wishlist discount notifications to our attention.

“It’s a miracle. Xbox Store now sends a notification when an item from your wish list is on sale!” the Reddit user The following are some of the ways to get in touch with each other.

The post was a hit with many people who were excited by the features.

One user said: “Finally. Seemed like an obvious inclusion that should’ve been there from the beginning.”

Another user said: “These are wondrous times to be alive in.”

This user said: “Hallelujah.”

Reddit users often ask if you will receive the message on your mobile phone.

It was clarified that the notification only appears when your Xbox console is on and in use.

“It will pop up in the middle of whatever game you are playing or movie you are watching,” they confirmed.


It is possible to get Xbox free games.

You can easily set it up and is totally free.

By being a Microsoft Rewards member, you can start earning points to accumulate credit in various ways and redeem free games.

Sign in to your Microsoft Account and download the Microsoft Rewards App.

It is also possible to accumulate points quickly by earning points daily.