{"id":97917,"date":"2022-05-04T10:34:59","date_gmt":"2022-05-04T05:04:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/amber-heard-hit-a-setback-in-court-against-johnny-depp\/"},"modified":"2022-05-04T10:34:59","modified_gmt":"2022-05-04T05:04:59","slug":"amber-heard-hit-a-setback-in-court-against-johnny-depp","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/amber-heard-hit-a-setback-in-court-against-johnny-depp\/","title":{"rendered":"Amber Heard Hit A Setback In Court Against Johnny Depp"},"content":{"rendered":"



For nearly a month now, Johnny Depp\u2019s $50 million defamation lawsuit against ex-wife Amber Heard has seen the <\/u>Pirates of the Caribbean<\/em><\/u> star take the stand<\/u> to recall his personal struggles with addiction, as well as go over testimonies and claims regarding Heard\u2019s actions during their relationship<\/u>. Ahead of Heard being scheduled to testify this week, her defense hit a setback in court regarding a request to throw out the suit.\u00a0<\/p>\n

During Tuesday\u2019s continuation of the trial being publicly telecast on Court TV<\/u> from a Fairfax, Virginia court (via Variety<\/u><\/a>), Chief Judge Penney Azcarate dismissed a request from Amber Heard\u2019s legal team. The Aquaman<\/em> actress\u2019 attorney Ben Rottenborn attempted to convince the court that the case should be thrown out altogether ahead of Heard taking the stand. However, Rottenborn failed to make his case, as Azcarate refused his argument.\u00a0<\/p>\n