{"id":97151,"date":"2022-04-30T13:41:59","date_gmt":"2022-04-30T08:11:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/donald-trumps-first-post-after-elon-musks-twitter-purchase-has-people-going-bonkers\/"},"modified":"2022-04-30T13:41:59","modified_gmt":"2022-04-30T08:11:59","slug":"donald-trumps-first-post-after-elon-musks-twitter-purchase-has-people-going-bonkers","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/donald-trumps-first-post-after-elon-musks-twitter-purchase-has-people-going-bonkers\/","title":{"rendered":"Donald Trump’s First Post After Elon Musk’s Twitter Purchase Has People Going Bonkers"},"content":{"rendered":"



Former President Donald Trump has plenty of fans as well as critics, and both groups had lots to say about his return to social media on Truth Social.\u00a0From the anti-Trump side, one commenter wrote<\/a>, “If Trump is back on Truth Social, why are they coming to Twitter to tell us about it?” Another detractor tweeted,<\/a> “If Truth Social is so hot and Trump’s account is on fire why are these folks still here on twitter.” One person who’s clearly not a fan of the former president tweeted<\/a>, “Trump posts on Truth Social and his minions go nuts. I’ll never, ever, ever understand the attraction to this narcissistic charlatan.”<\/p>\n

Speaking for the pro-Trump crowd, in addition to high-profile conservatives like Donald Trump Jr., was one Twitter<\/a> user who wrote, “Let’s get #Covfefe trending worldwide to celebrate Trump’s return to social media.” Another Trump fan tweeted<\/a>, “I gotta admit I just turned into a squealing teenager when I saw President Trump’s post on Trumpet.”\u00a0<\/p>\n

If this is the reaction just one post gets, we have to wonder what will happen when Trump decides to post again.\u00a0<\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n