{"id":97099,"date":"2022-04-30T08:18:01","date_gmt":"2022-04-30T02:48:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/warning-over-daily-use-of-common-drug-that-could-cause-internal-bleeding\/"},"modified":"2022-04-30T08:18:01","modified_gmt":"2022-04-30T02:48:01","slug":"warning-over-daily-use-of-common-drug-that-could-cause-internal-bleeding","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/warning-over-daily-use-of-common-drug-that-could-cause-internal-bleeding\/","title":{"rendered":"Warning over daily use of common drug that could cause internal bleeding"},"content":{"rendered":"

DOCTORS have warned against people over 60 taking a daily dose of aspirin.<\/p>\n

It has been traditionally taken each day to slash the risk of a heart attack or stroke.<\/p>\n



Doctors in the US have said people shouldn’t be taking aspirin every day<\/span>Credit: Alamy<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

But a panel of top medics in the US this week changed their advice for older people.<\/p>\n

They warned it could raise the risk of internal bleeding.<\/p>\n

The US Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) also said 40-59 year olds should only take aspirin daily if they are at genetic risk of heart disease.<\/p>\n

Those over 75\u00a0should not take it because there is little benefit in older age.<\/p>\n


Dr Michael Barry, USPTF’s vice-chair and professor of Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, told\u00a0ABC News: “Based on current evidence, the task force recommends against people 60 and older starting to take aspirin to prevent a first heart attack or stroke.<\/p>\n

“Because the chance of internal bleeding increases with age, the potential harms of aspirin use cancel out the benefits in this age group.”<\/p>\n

The new guidance is only for patients starting up a course of aspirin.<\/p>\n

Anyone on it already should continue, and not stop unless they have talked to their doctor.<\/p>\n

A UK study from 2019 found it can raise the risk of deadly bleeds by nearly 50 per cent.<\/p>\n

King\u2019s College London researchers found taking it as a preventative treatment does help cut deadly cardiac events by 11 per cent.<\/p>\n

But it caused risk of major bleeding events to rocket by 43 per cent, meaning one in 200 people treated with aspirin suffered a serious bleed.<\/p>\n

The 2p-a-day painkiller is thought to make the blood less sticky.<\/p>\n

Lead researcher, Dr Sean Zheng, said: \u201cThere is insufficient evidence to recommend routine aspirin use in the prevention of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular deaths in people without cardiovascular disease.<\/p>\n

\u201cThis study shows that while cardiovascular events may be reduced in these patients, these benefits are matched by an increased risk of major bleeding events.<\/p>\n

\u201cAspirin use requires discussion between the patient and their physician, with the knowledge that any small potential cardiovascular benefits are weighed up against the real risk of severe bleeding.\u201d<\/p>\n

Doctors recommend some people take a low dose of aspirin every day to prevent heart attacks and stroke.<\/p>\n

The painkiller is also thought to reduce the risk of breast, colon, prostate and gastric cancers.<\/p>\n


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