{"id":95095,"date":"2022-04-20T04:22:56","date_gmt":"2022-04-19T22:52:56","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/first-thor-4-trailer-doesnt-show-gorr-but-it-teases-the-newest-marvel-villain\/"},"modified":"2022-04-20T04:22:56","modified_gmt":"2022-04-19T22:52:56","slug":"first-thor-4-trailer-doesnt-show-gorr-but-it-teases-the-newest-marvel-villain","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/first-thor-4-trailer-doesnt-show-gorr-but-it-teases-the-newest-marvel-villain\/","title":{"rendered":"First Thor 4 trailer doesn’t show Gorr, but it teases the newest Marvel villain"},"content":{"rendered":"

After weeks of speculation, Marvel finally released the first teaser trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder<\/em>. It\u2019s just 90 seconds long, but the clip contains plenty of breathtaking scenes that will make you want to see the film even more than you already do. Add the iconic Guns N\u2019 Roses track, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Jane\u2019s Thor (Natalie Portman) rocking a repaired Mjolnir, and you might not even realize that the first Thor 4 trailer doesn\u2019t feature Gorr (Christian Bale).<\/p>\n

That\u2019s quite a surprise considering this particular project. Unlike other MCU stories where Marvel wants to keep particular characters secret, we\u2019ve known who Christian Bale would play in Love and Thunder<\/em> for weeks. We know he\u2019s Gorr the God Butcher, a well-known villain from the comics. Moreover, we already saw Gorr in Thor 4<\/em> toy leaks.<\/p>\n

It turns out that the trailer does tease Gorr, and it does so in a way that comic book fans will immediately recognize. We\u2019ll warn you that spoilers follow below<\/strong> before we show you the Gorr teaser in the first Thor 4<\/em> trailer.<\/p>\n

The Thor 4<\/em> trailer delivers a few big reveals<\/h2>\n

While Gorr is missing from the first Thor: Love and Thunder<\/em> trailer, there\u2019s no denying that we learn a lot about the state of affairs concerning Thor, the Guardians, and Asgard.<\/p>\n

Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is still dealing with his existential crisis. But \u201cthe strongest Avenger\u201d is clearly in a better place after the events of Avengers: Endgame<\/em>. He got back into shape, but he\u2019s looking to retire and live a peaceful life. He also developed quite a man-crush on his fellow \u201cAsgardian of the Galaxy\u201d Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), which is hilarious.<\/p>\n

Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in Love and Thunder trailer. Image source: Marvel Studios<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

The Thor 4<\/em> trailer also tells us that Thor has been working with the Guardians for quite a while after Endgame<\/em>. He was involved in some fights before deciding to go for a more peaceful existence. But it\u2019s likely that Gorr, unseen anywhere in the Thor 4<\/em> trailer, will disrupt that desire for peace.<\/p>\n

Before we get to the Gorr teaser, we\u2019ll also point out the little details concerning and new realms that Love and Thunder<\/em> will explore. We see that Asgard has changed under the rule of King Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson). It\u2019s now hosting tours from regular humans.<\/p>\n

Also, we\u2019re given a look at the beautiful world where Zeus lives. That\u2019s who Russell Crowe will play in Thor 4<\/em>.<\/p>\n

The world of Greek gods in Thor: Love and Thunder trailer. Image source: Marvel Studios<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

The first teaser closes with two big reveals.<\/p>\n

First, we get to see the old Mjolnir reforged. Not only that, but it\u2019s Jane\u2019s \u201cMighty Thor\u201d who calls for and receives the hammer. She must be worthy.<\/p>\n

And just like that, it seems there\u2019s no more room for Gorr in the first Thor 4<\/em> trailer.<\/p>\n

The trailer delay theories<\/h2>\n

Marvel achieved something unexpected with its Love and Thunder<\/em> marketing. The first trailer dropped less than three months before the film\u2019s theatrical debut, which is a record for Marvel.<\/p>\n

Jane Mighty Thor (Natalie Portman) holding a repaired Mjolnir. Image source: Marvel Studios<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

We discussed in recent weeks the possible reasons why Marvel waited so long.<\/p>\n

One theory is that Marvel wanted to focus on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness<\/em> marketing, which premieres on May 6th. Gorr or not, a trailer for a movie like Thor 4<\/em> might steal attention from Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), and for a good reason.<\/p>\n

The other reason concerns spoilers. Maybe Love and Thunder<\/em> is connected to either Multiverse of Madness<\/em> or Moon Knight<\/em> in ways we haven\u2019t yet figured out. A trailer might spoil that.<\/p>\n

More specifically, a fan theorized that Christian Bale might have a surprise cameo in Moon Knight<\/em>. Gorr might kill certain gods long before we see him in action in Thor 4<\/em>.<\/p>\n

Korg (Taika Waititi) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) looking at a slain monster-like creature. Image source: Marvel Studios<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n

Gorr the God Butcher teaser<\/h2>\n

Now that the first trailer dropped, fans of the comics have spotted<\/a> the shot above. Not only is it incredible, but it actually comes from the comics.<\/p>\n


The massive creature we see on the ground isn\u2019t some monster that Thor and Korg just killed. It\u2019s a god-grade being that Gorr butchered.<\/p>\n

The trailer doesn\u2019t explain that. But there\u2019s a page<\/a> in the comics that\u2019s nearly identical. You won\u2019t see Korg in it, but Thor ponders on the death of Falligar, The Behemoth.<\/p>\n

Falligar was a friend to Thor, a being who could wrestle black holes. That\u2019s<\/em> who Gorr just killed. Just like that, the first Thor 4<\/em> trailer shows us how incredibly powerful the film\u2019s villain will be. And it did so without showing us Gorr in any battle scenes.<\/p>\n

Put differently, the sight of the slain Falligar is exactly the type of event that could pull Thor out of retirement. But we\u2019re just speculating at this point. <\/p>\n

Thor: Love and Thunder<\/em> will premiere on July 8th. This gives Marvel plenty of time to show Gorr in one of the upcoming trailers.<\/p>\n


More Marvel coverage:<\/strong> For more MCU news, visit our Marvel guide<\/em>.<\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n