{"id":94783,"date":"2022-04-18T15:42:12","date_gmt":"2022-04-18T10:12:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/jay-leno-calls-out-the-academy-for-saying-they-were-going-to-investigate-the-will-smith-slap-incident\/"},"modified":"2022-04-18T15:42:12","modified_gmt":"2022-04-18T10:12:12","slug":"jay-leno-calls-out-the-academy-for-saying-they-were-going-to-investigate-the-will-smith-slap-incident","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/jay-leno-calls-out-the-academy-for-saying-they-were-going-to-investigate-the-will-smith-slap-incident\/","title":{"rendered":"Jay Leno Calls Out The Academy For Saying They Were Going To \u2018Investigate\u2019 The Will Smith Slap Incident"},"content":{"rendered":"



By now we\u2019ve heard a lot of varying takes on Will Smith slapping Chris Rock during the 2022 Oscars ceremony, and even some about the Academy\u2019s response to the matter, but one take we hadn\u2019t heard was Jay Leno\u2019s. The former late night host recently opened up about his own feelings while watching the broadcast, but he also had a candid take on how the members of the Academy responded afterward.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Jay Leno opened up about his own take on Will Smith\u2019s actions against Chris Rock during the Oscars broadcast earlier this year. He noted the \u201cyelling of the obscenities\u201d was what really stood out to him when the moment aired, but ultimately said he\u2019s found Will Smith to be a \u201cgood guy\u201d during previous interactions. In the time since, though, he doesn\u2019t really understand the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which had stated an investigation was underway about the incident before making its final ruling. Jay Leno called out the move, telling the Palm Beach Daily News<\/u><\/a>,<\/p>\n


What are you investigating? It had to be the most recorded assault in history. I saw the back of his shoe, I saw Chris\u2019 ear. There were so many cameras on this incident. What are you investigating? I know sometimes things are just what they appear to be.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<\/figure>\n