{"id":94667,"date":"2022-04-18T01:06:59","date_gmt":"2022-04-17T19:36:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/gilbert-gottfrieds-pal-jeff-ross-opens-up-about-heartwarming-moments-at-his-funeral-including-bob-sagets-family-attending\/"},"modified":"2022-04-18T01:06:59","modified_gmt":"2022-04-17T19:36:59","slug":"gilbert-gottfrieds-pal-jeff-ross-opens-up-about-heartwarming-moments-at-his-funeral-including-bob-sagets-family-attending","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/gilbert-gottfrieds-pal-jeff-ross-opens-up-about-heartwarming-moments-at-his-funeral-including-bob-sagets-family-attending\/","title":{"rendered":"Gilbert Gottfried\u2019s Pal Jeff Ross Opens Up About \u2018Heartwarming\u2019 Moments At His Funeral, Including Bob Saget\u2019s Family Attending"},"content":{"rendered":"



The comedy community and public at large continues to mourn the loss of Gilbert Gottfried, who died this past week at age 67<\/u>. The comic\u2019s death was confirmed by his family and, since then, fans and celebrities like Jon Stewart and Seth MacFarlane have paid loving tribute<\/u> to the late performer. Comedian Jeff Ross is one of the stars who has been particularly vocal about Gottfried\u2019s legacy and was one of the many to attend his funeral. With this, he opened up about the \u201cheartwarming\u201d moments from the service, including the fact that Bob Saget\u2019s family attended.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Gilbert Gottfried\u2019s funeral was held on Thursday in Westchester, New York and was followed by a \u201cstar-studded\u201d shiva attended by Sarah Silverman<\/u> and others. Jeff Ross opened up to People<\/u><\/a> about how emotional the day was. Aside from reflecting on the eulogy he gave, he also couldn\u2019t help but point out that Bob Saget\u2019s widow, Kelly Rizzo, and three daughters were also there, alongside some other very close friends:\u00a0<\/p>\n


What was very heartwarming was seeing Bob Saget’s daughters at the service. And some of the guys that helped Gilbert write those Comedy Central roasts \u2014 Aaron Lee and Jordan Rubin \u2014 they wanted to pay their respects. They were part of that team that helped him rip the roof off those roasts.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<\/figure>\n