{"id":90322,"date":"2022-03-29T00:15:59","date_gmt":"2022-03-28T18:45:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/my-wifes-stomach-started-hurting\/"},"modified":"2022-03-29T00:17:08","modified_gmt":"2022-03-28T18:47:08","slug":"my-wifes-stomach-started-hurting","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/my-wifes-stomach-started-hurting\/","title":{"rendered":"My wife\u2019s stomach started hurting"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

A mother-of-two noticed her stomach hurting while on vacation and decided to blame her husband.<\/p>\n

Simon Eaves and Pia believed it was due to overdoing it with the drinking and eating, but they decided to have it examined.<\/p>\n



Simon Eaves shared the story of how he lost his wife, Jennifer, within one year of her diagnosis<\/span>Credit: dmg Media Licensing<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Simon has shared how his wife, a personal trainer, was diagnosed at 53 with pancreatic cancer.<\/p>\n

He stated that she did not show any other symptoms, except the stomachache.<\/p>\n

After describing her pain to her GP, she was referred to a specialist to have a scan before the tragic news reached the couple.<\/p>\n

Simon Metro<\/a>: I remember the date of that second appointment well: Monday 26 October 2020 \u2013 it turned out to be the worst day of my life.\u00a0<\/p>\n


“The doctor informed us that Pia had developed pancreatic cancer. We were stunned. This happened to us never imagined. Pia was a personal trainer, and a fitness instructor so she was very fit. We just couldn\u2019t understand why this had happened to us.\u00a0<\/p>\n

“We made a vow to defeat the disease in order to be with our children.”\u00a0\u00a0<\/strong>unfortunately it didn\u2019t work out that way.<\/p>\n

“Tragically, Pia passed away on 8 September 2021 \u2013 just over 10 months from her first diagnosis. It\u2019s horrendous that she has been taken away from us so early.”<\/p>\n

After being introduced at school, they have been together for 27+years.<\/p>\n

Simon now wants to spread awareness about the condition which has the lowest survival rates of all common cancers.<\/p>\n

He is partnering with his two daughters to start a business. A series of fundraising walks<\/a>In Memory of Pai, his “soulmate”.<\/p>\n

Common symptoms include back and abdominal pain, unexplained weight gain and jaundice.<\/p>\n

You may also experience the following symptoms:<\/p>\n