{"id":84626,"date":"2022-03-10T06:26:55","date_gmt":"2022-03-10T00:56:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/new-report-details-how-many-guests-were-arrested-over-guns-at-disney-world-last-year\/"},"modified":"2022-03-10T06:28:03","modified_gmt":"2022-03-10T00:58:03","slug":"a-new-report-details-how-many-guests-were-arrested-last-year-over-guns-at-disney-world","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/a-new-report-details-how-many-guests-were-arrested-last-year-over-guns-at-disney-world\/","title":{"rendered":"A new report details how many guests were arrested last year over guns at Disney World"},"content":{"rendered":"



America and guns share a very close relationship. I suppose it\u2019s not surprising that when you’re at a vacation destination like Walt Disney World, people who have guns will be visiting too. It would be nice if they did. Keep better tabs on their guns<\/u>. Unbelievably many people have been arrested for bringing weapons into the resort.\u00a0<\/p>\n

At least five different people were arrested in the last two months of 2021 for carrying guns on Walt Disney World property according to a report from the Orange County Sheriff\u2019s Office (via WDWNT<\/u><\/a>). A man approached security in one instance with his weapon and his concealed carry permit. This allowed him to check if the weapon was legal for him to bring into Disney Springs. Disney bans guns on any property. However, the problem was worsened by the fact that both the permit and suspension were expired.<\/p>\n