{"id":75609,"date":"2022-02-02T02:13:00","date_gmt":"2022-02-01T20:43:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/white-house-chooses-doug-jones-to-guide-supreme-court-nominee\/"},"modified":"2022-02-02T02:13:00","modified_gmt":"2022-02-01T20:43:00","slug":"white-house-chooses-doug-jones-to-guide-supreme-court-nominee","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/white-house-chooses-doug-jones-to-guide-supreme-court-nominee\/","title":{"rendered":"White House Chooses Doug Jones to Guide Supreme Court Nominee"},"content":{"rendered":"

WASHINGTON \u2014 Doug Jones, a former Democratic senator from Alabama, will serve as a guide for President Biden\u2019s Supreme Court nominee during the Senate confirmation process, two senior administration officials said on Tuesday.<\/p>\n

Mr. Jones, who left the Senate in 2021 and was on a short list to serve as Mr. Biden\u2019s attorney general, will be a so-called Senate sherpa for Mr. Biden\u2019s nominee. The president has promised to name a Black woman to the role, a decision that has drawn protests from Republicans and foreshadowed a contentious process.<\/p>\n

Sherpas have borrowed their nicknames from people who live in the Himalaya Mountains and are known for their ability to guide travelers through hazardous terrain, including at high altitudes and in frigid conditions. <\/p>\n

Once Mr. Biden chooses a nominee, Mr. Jones will introduce her to senators and prepare her for hearings. Mr. Jones, who served a three-year Senate term, has far less experience than several of his sherpa predecessors, including Jon Kyl, who served three terms as a Republican senator from Arizona and guided Brett M. Kavanaugh through one of the more bitter Senate confirmation hearing processes in recent history.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n