{"id":62341,"date":"2021-12-01T12:07:59","date_gmt":"2021-12-01T06:37:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/serena-williams-roasts-kevin-durant-in-new-video-and-theres-cooking-spray-involved\/"},"modified":"2021-12-01T12:09:05","modified_gmt":"2021-12-01T06:39:05","slug":"serena-williams-roasts-kevin-durant-in-new-video-and-theres-cooking-spray-involved","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/serena-williams-roasts-kevin-durant-in-new-video-and-theres-cooking-spray-involved\/","title":{"rendered":"Serena Williams Roasts Kevin Durant In New Video (And There\u2019s Cooking Spray Involved)"},"content":{"rendered":"



Athletes in the sports community are connected by their competitive spirit, mutual respect, and common goals. There have been many occasions when the most prominent names in sports have shown their love to one another. Of course, in the midst of that admiration, there\u2019s also room for some jokes, which can range from chuckle-worthy to downright hilarious. NBA superstar Kevin Durant<\/u>He has been the victim of many in his time. The most recent was about his ashy ankles. His fans took great joy in laughing at him on social media. even Serena Williams<\/u>An A+ gag about cooking spray has been joined by the comedian.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Slam Online recently posted a shot of the Brooklyn Net\u2019s shoes and, while the kicks were smooth, commentators believed an exposed part of his ankle looked rough. The part of the NBA champion\u2019s leg did seem to be particularly dry, and the photo has since gone viral. Check out the basketball publication\u2019s initial post down below:<\/p>\n


Can speak a lot of things without having to say anything. \ud83d\udcf7: @darenscarberry pic.twitter.com\/lMrhHQQqmINovember 23, 2021<\/a><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

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