{"id":56827,"date":"2021-11-21T22:44:01","date_gmt":"2021-11-21T17:14:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/billy-hinsche-longtime-member-of-beach-boys-touring-band-dead-at-70\/"},"modified":"2021-11-21T22:45:21","modified_gmt":"2021-11-21T17:15:21","slug":"billy-hinsche-a-long-standing-member-of-the-beach-boys-touring-band-has-died-at-age-70","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/billy-hinsche-a-long-standing-member-of-the-beach-boys-touring-band-has-died-at-age-70\/","title":{"rendered":"Billy Hinsche, a long-standing member of the Beach Boys’ Touring Band, has died at age 70"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Billy Hinsche, singer in the Sixties boy band Dino, Desi and Billy and longtime member of the Beach Boys\u2019 touring unit, has died at the age of 70.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Lucie Arnaz \u2014 the daughter of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz and whose brother Desi Arnaz Jr. was a member of Dino, Desi and Billy, along with Hinsche and Dean Martin\u2019s son Dean Paul Martin \u2014 confirmed Hinsche\u2019s death Saturday, revealing the cause as giant cell carcinoma.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

\u201cOnly diagnosed a couple weeks ago,\u201d Lucie Arnaz Posted on Instagram<\/a>. \u201cIt ravaged him like an out of control train.\u201dIt was coincidental that Hinsche died on the exact same day as Celia, Hinsche’s 95-year-old mom.<\/p>\n

Born in the Philippines and raised by his family, Hinsche eventually moved to Beverly Hills with his family during his childhood. There, he became friends with Martin and Arnaz. In the early Sixties, Hinsche and his family formed a trio, which was quickly able to secure a record deal through their connections.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n





While Dino, Desi Billy had a few hits in 1965 \u2014 including \u201cI\u2019m a Fool\u201d and \u201cNot the Lovin\u2019 Kind\u201d \u2014 it was serving as opening act for the Beach Boys during this period that had a more lasting impact on Hinsche\u2019s career; Hinsche and Brian Wilson also co-wrote Dino, Desi and Billy\u2019s final single, \u201cLady Love.\u201d<\/p>\n

After finishing his education in the late Sixties Hinsche joined the Beach Boys to become a member their touring unit and as a session musician. The multi-instrumentalist\u2019s first tenure with the group ran from 1971 to 1977 \u2014 with Hinsche appearing on all albums from that era, from 1972\u2019s Carl and the Passions \u2013 \u201cSo Tough\u201d<\/em> to 1980\u2019s Keepin\u2019 the Summer Alive<\/em> \u2014 and then again from 1982 to 1996. Hinsche performed rhythm guitar and keyboards, but Hinsche also sang the hit song. \u201cSail On, Sailor\u201d on tour in place of the song\u2019s original vocalist Blondie Chaplin:<\/p>\n




\u201cWe lost a great friend, family member, and forever member of The Beach Boys band on Saturday. We\u2019ll miss him greatly, especially his family members will feel his loss most deeply,\u201d Mike Love Tweet<\/a> Sunday.<\/p>\n

\u201cAll of us who had the pleasure of knowing him will miss his jovial nature and immense talent and sense of humor.\u00a0 <\/span>Billy was a loving son to his mother Celia who incredibly passed Saturday as well.\u201d<\/p>\n


On Saturday, we lost a friend, family member and forever member of The Beach Boys. We\u2019ll miss him greatly, especially his family members will feel his loss most deeply. pic.twitter.com\/yR6OF2ber4<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Mike Love (@MikeLoveOFCL) November 21, 2021<\/a><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Love continued, \u201cVery few of us knew the seriousness of his illness and Billy right up until his last couple of months didn\u2019t let on to how serious his condition was. His wonderful\u00a0 <\/span>sister Annie let us know that he was not long for this world\u2026 The world misses you Billy, we were better for having your spirit, laughter, Talent, Friendship & Love.\u201d<\/p>\n

Hinsche, along with the Beach Boys\u2019 Carl Wilson and Bruce Johnston, is also credited as a background singer on Elton John\u2019s \u201cDon\u2019t Let the Sun Go Down on Me.\u201d\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Hinsche\u2019s sister Annie was also married to late Beach Boys member Carl Wilson, making Hinsche the uncle of Brian Wilson\u2019s children.<\/p>\n

\u201cI can\u2019t believe you are gone,\u201d Wilson\u2019s daughter Carnie Posted on Instagram<\/a>. \u201cMy memories of you growing up laughing, joking, playing the keyboards, Carl\u2019s bestie, Annie\u2019s brother , Celia\u2019s son, Dino Desi and You\u2026 my Uncle Billy. Sgt. Bilco. You\u2019re hair that was always great\u2026 I watched it turn gray over the years but your energy never got old. Thank you for making this world a better place with your relentless spirit and sense of humor. [Your] talent was so huge and you were always one step ahead of us all with your ideas and creativity.\u201d<\/p>\n

Brian Wilson also paid tribute Hinsche<\/p>\n

