{"id":22475,"date":"2021-09-19T22:20:56","date_gmt":"2021-09-19T16:50:56","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/family-stunned-as-huge-4-foot-crocodile-spotted-on-the-loose-in-garden\/"},"modified":"2021-09-19T22:22:06","modified_gmt":"2021-09-19T16:52:06","slug":"family-stunned-as-huge-4-foot-crocodile-spotted-on-the-loose-in-garden","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/family-stunned-as-huge-4-foot-crocodile-spotted-on-the-loose-in-garden\/","title":{"rendered":"Family stunned as huge 4-foot crocodile spotted on the loose in garden"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

A family were left in shock after they saw a “four-foot crocodile” on the loose in their neighbour’s garden in broad daylight.<\/p>\n

Sarah Jayne Ellis, a nurse, saw the scaly beast through her bedroom window. She said it was close to the River Aire.<\/p>\n

Ms Ellis is a nurse and said that she couldn’t investigate further because she had just completed a night shift.<\/p>\n

Ms Ellis said that the crocodile had been found near Savile Road, and she was only able to see it again a few hours later.<\/p>\n

This is the latest sightings of the ‘Castleford Croc’, which has been reported by locals several times in the Yorkshire region.<\/p>\n

\nA crocodile-like creature has been spotted several times in West Yorkshire<\/span>
\n (Image: Getty Images\/iStockphoto)<\/span>

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