{"id":21427,"date":"2021-09-19T11:14:55","date_gmt":"2021-09-19T05:44:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/i-got-my-boyfriends-initials-tattooed-above-my-bikini-line\/"},"modified":"2021-09-19T11:16:11","modified_gmt":"2021-09-19T05:46:11","slug":"i-got-my-boyfriends-initials-tattooed-above-my-bikini-line","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/i-got-my-boyfriends-initials-tattooed-above-my-bikini-line\/","title":{"rendered":"I got my boyfriend\u2019s initials tattooed above my bikini line"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

A MORTIFIED teen revealed she got her boyfriend’s initials tattooed above her bikini line – only for him to dump her by text just two weeks later.<\/p>\n

Megan Carey was so in love with her boyfriend, she promised to get the tattoo done even though they had just been back together.<\/p>\n



Megan Carey got her boyfriend’s initials tattooed on her – and then he dumped her two weeks later<\/span>Credit: Kennedy News<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


Megan got a ‘J’ tattooed above her bikini line<\/span>Credit: Kennedy News<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

The 19-year-old took the drastic step of getting the delicate design of a love heart going into the letter ‘J’ on her bikini line in mid-August, thinking they would be together forever.<\/p>\n

Two weeks later, she says she woke up to a text from her boyfriend about a breakup. It was after they had argued again.<\/p>\n

Now, the accountancy student warns other young girls not to get tattoos about their partners. She says it’s a waste of time and even admits that even the tattoo artist laughed at her. Despite being urged by her friends to reconsider, she is still adamant that it was wrong.<\/p>\n

Megan, who hails from Wigan in Greater Manchester, stated that the relationship was not perfect from the beginning, but she was more comfortable with the relationship after a breakup.<\/p>\n

“He was 21 years older than me so I believed it was a serious relationship.<\/p>\n




“He was planning on having a sleeve tattoo done and I’d mentioned working my name into it and said I’d get one for him as well.<\/p>\n

He agreed to do it, and it made him very happy.<\/p>\n

“But, we began arguing and a few months later he went on night out. I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to receive a text message saying that he had ended his relationship with me.<\/p>\n

“I assumed he would message me to let us know he was at home, but instead it said, “I’m sorry Megan. The arguing is exhausting.”<\/p>\n

“It came as a total shock. All I could do was laugh about the tattoo because otherwise I’d cry.”<\/p>\n

The teen started a relationship with her ex boyfriend in November 2020. They were happy together for seven months, until June of this year, when the cracks began to show.<\/p>\n

The young couple had to work part-time jobs during the summer break at university, which meant they struggled to spend time together. They also started to argue a lot.<\/p>\n

After three weeks of arguing, they split up and went on a short break before finally deciding to make it work.<\/p>\n

Megan explained that Megan met her ex through a friend.<\/p>\n

It wasn’t until months later, that I gave him a chance. We got together.<\/p>\n

We went through the honeymoon phase for the first few months, as do most relationships. But after a while we began to fight and clash a lot.<\/p>\n

“I got a part time job as a waitress over summer and it all went down[hill] from there – we saw each other a lot less because he was working in the day and I was working at the night.”<\/p>\n

Megan reports that the couple, who had been together for a month, got back together in July. Megan said they began to talk about getting tattoos of their initials.<\/p>\n

Megan, despite the concerns of her friends and the tattoo artist, decided to get her boyfriend’s initial tattooed.<\/p>\n

However, he was already in a serious relationship breakup by August and had decided to tattoo her name on her.<\/p>\n

Megan stated that he sent me laughing faces when I messaged him to book in. When I went to get the tattoo done, he took the mick and said “What are you doing?”<\/p>\n

He said that he would do it small enough to cover easily. That should have been a red warning sign. It was so small that he didn\u2019t charge me anything.<\/p>\n

“My ex was not as I expected. He was very calm and didn\u2019t seem too bothered. After that, we never spoke again about it. It was possible that it was the shock.<\/p>\n


After some arguing, he went on a night-out and I woke up at five in the morning to find a text message advising me that he had ended his relationship with me.<\/p>\n

Megan Carey<\/span><\/cite><\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n

“My friends thought I was an absolute idiot for getting it and said not to, I should’ve listened.”<\/p>\n

The teen has now been left with an uncomfortable reminder of her past relationship which she plans on removing in the near future.<\/p>\n

Megan Carey hopes to be a warning to others about making the same mistake, particularly when it comes to getting their partner’s initials or name tattooed.<\/p>\n

Megan said, “Just knowing that I still have his initial tattooed upon me is the worst.” I regret getting it done 100 percent.<\/p>\n

“I will either cover it up or have it lasered off. I don’t know yet.<\/p>\n

“To anyone thinking of getting a partner’s initial tattooed I would say don’t even bother, it’s a waste of time and not worth it.”<\/p>\n



Megan was so smitten with her boyfriend she said she would get the inking done, despite only just getting back together from a break<\/span>Credit: Kennedy News<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


The accountancy student is now warning other young girls to never get a tattoo about a partner<\/span>Credit: Kennedy News<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


Megan took the bold step to go and get her boyfriend’s initial tattooed in mid August despite concerns from both her friends and the tattoo artist<\/span>Credit: Kennedy News<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

We shared how a woman was mortified to be told her guardian angel back tattoo looks like something VERY rude & now she can\u2019t unsee it.<\/p>\n

In more awkward tattoo news,\u00a0this woman got an inspirational quote tattoo in tribute to her dad\u00a0and was mortified when she twigged the VERY sexual meaning.<\/p>\n

While this lass’ family pointed out the VERY rude meaning of upper thigh tattoo and\u00a0her alteration only made it dirtier.<\/p>\n

Woman asks for \u2018small and dainty\u2019 butterfly tattoo on her wrist\u2026 but ends up with a \u2018hot mess MOTH\u2019 <\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n