{"id":197089,"date":"2024-06-04T22:31:40","date_gmt":"2024-06-04T17:01:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/beware-learn-how-to-spot-the-red-or-orange-clue-on-gadgets-before-a-thief-steals-your-money-over-924-million-lost-already\/"},"modified":"2024-06-04T22:31:40","modified_gmt":"2024-06-04T17:01:40","slug":"beware-learn-how-to-spot-the-red-or-orange-clue-on-gadgets-before-a-thief-steals-your-money-over-924-million-lost-already","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/beware-learn-how-to-spot-the-red-or-orange-clue-on-gadgets-before-a-thief-steals-your-money-over-924-million-lost-already\/","title":{"rendered":"Beware! Learn how to spot the ‘red or orange’ clue on gadgets before a thief steals your money – Over $924 million lost already"},"content":{"rendered":"

Avoid Tech Support Scams: Don’t Fall for This Tricky Tactic<\/strong><\/p>\n

Computer users are being tricked into handing over tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to tech support scammers. Tech scammers still use fake security pop-ups to panic people into making irrational decisions.<\/p>\n

Tech Support Scams On the Rise<\/strong><\/p>\n

There were more than 37,500 complaints about fake tech-support scams reported in the U.S. last year alone, according to the FBI\u2019s 2023 Internet Crime Report. Victims lost more than $924 million due to these scams. Tech support scams were the most widely reported kind of elder fraud in 2023.<\/p>\n

The Scam Unveiled<\/strong><\/p>\n

Tech support scammers often try to deceive you with a pop-up window that seems to be a critical error message from your operating system or antivirus software. These scammers want you to believe that your computer has a severe issue, such as a virus, and pressure you to pay for unnecessary tech support services to fix a non-existent problem.<\/p>\n

Be Wary of Red Flags<\/strong><\/p>\n

Color-coded pop-up windows in alarming red or orange hues are a tell-tale sign of a scam. If you encounter such a pop-up, do not call the provided number as real security warnings never require you to do so.<\/p>\n

Hacking Fears: The Scammers’ Modus Operandi<\/strong><\/p>\n

These fraudsters may also use fake security pop-ups to claim that your bank, investment, or retirement account has been compromised and is being misused for fraudulent activities. They may even transfer you to another scammer posing as a government official or bank representative to further deceive you.<\/p>\n

8 Tips for Phone Safety<\/strong><\/p>\n