{"id":168746,"date":"2023-08-16T22:04:10","date_gmt":"2023-08-16T16:34:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/whatever-happened-to-dani-beau\/"},"modified":"2023-08-16T22:05:53","modified_gmt":"2023-08-16T16:35:53","slug":"what-happened-to-dani-beau","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/what-happened-to-dani-beau\/","title":{"rendered":"What happened to Dani Beau"},"content":{"rendered":"



Dani Beau, despite her busy schedule with work and appearances on reality TV shows, still manages to regularly post on social media. Instagram is where she spends a lot of time, posting photos of her dogs. She has an adorable dog, despite her having a Twitter Account<\/a>Since October 2022, the last time she posted on that site was in September.<\/p>\n

Any diehard “Naked and Afraid”\u00a0fans will want to see what she’s up to on TikTok<\/a>. She answers many questions about the show in her videos, and she posts several videos wherein she talks about search-and-rescue. One popular video sees her talking about whether contestants have sex while on “Naked and Afraid” (spoiler alert:\u00a0some do). She also talks in another video about how much contestants get paid to be on the show. This amount can fluctuate depending on a few factors, but is generally around $1,000 daily.<\/p>\n

In addition to her work as an\u00a0emergency management specialist, she also runs her own Etsy shop called Arctic Pines<\/a>. She also sells many items related to the wilderness, such as fire starter necklaces or foraging bags. Dani, from the show “Naked and Afraid”, is a true outdoor enthusiast. She lives and breathes everything that surrounds nature. There’s a good chance that this won’t be her last appearance on a TV show. But there’s plenty to do to keep up with what she is doing in the interim.\u00a0<\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n