{"id":166449,"date":"2023-07-21T02:17:11","date_gmt":"2023-07-20T20:47:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/major-breakthrough-for-millions-with-silent-killer-as-worlds-first-jab-could-replace-daily-drugs\/"},"modified":"2023-07-21T02:18:56","modified_gmt":"2023-07-20T20:48:56","slug":"worlds-first-jab-to-replace-drugs-could-bring-millions-of-people-a-major-breakthrough","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/worlds-first-jab-to-replace-drugs-could-bring-millions-of-people-a-major-breakthrough\/","title":{"rendered":"World’s first jab to replace drugs could bring millions of people a major breakthrough"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Millions of high blood pressure sufferers could benefit from a major breakthrough, as the first ever jab can replace their daily medication.<\/p>\n

British medics have been trialling a world-first injection to control the “silent killer” condition, which is a leading cause of strokes and\u00a0heart attacks.<\/p>\n



British doctors are leading an experiment into a twice-annual injection<\/span>Credit: PA<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Millions of Brits are currently taking daily medications to control their blood-pressure.<\/p>\n

Experts at Queen Mary University of London are conducting a six-month trial of an injection.<\/p>\n

Zilebesiran, a medication made in the US by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals targets a hormone that is produced by your liver.<\/p>\n

Researchers studied 107 people with hypertension. Of these, 80 received a zibebesiran injection under the skin while 32 patients were treated with a non-active placebo.<\/p>\n

The placebo group included 32 patients. Five were treated with zilebesiran.<\/p>\n

In the initial analyses, volunteers treated with zilebesiran showed a marked drop in blood pressure systolic that lasted for six months. MailOnline<\/a> reports.<\/p>\n

At least 200mg of the drug, your systolic (or arterial) blood pressure is lower by 10mmHg. This drops to 20mmHg for the 800mg maximum.<\/p>\n

This can bring a high blood pressure patient into a more comfortable range.<\/p>\n

Heart disease and stroke are primarily caused by high blood pressure.<\/p>\n

The silent killer is so named because it’s often hard to detect the signs until the disease is already too advanced.<\/p>\n

Under NHS rules, it is a reading over 140\/90mmHg \u2013 with around 12 million people eligible for treatment.<\/p>\n

The medication zilebesiran resulted in an overall drop of blood pressure over the course of 24 hours, despite high blood-pressure fluctuating throughout the day. <\/p>\n

Zilebesiran is an anti-angiotensin hormone. Angiotensin narrows blood vessel and increases blood pressure.<\/p>\n

Reporting their preliminary data, the research group said: “Overall, these preliminary data\u2026 support the potential for further study of quarterly or twice-yearly administration of zilebesiran as a treatment for patients with hypertension.”<\/p>\n

David Webb added that the Edinburgh trial was a “potentially major development” in the field of hypertension. In the past 17 years, there hasn’t been a drug class approved for treating high blood pressure.<\/p>\n

After a single treatment, this novel method results in a significant drop in blood-pressure levels, day or night. This reduction lasts around six months.<\/p>\n

Heart disease and stroke are primarily caused by high blood pressure.<\/p>\n

The silent killer is so named because it’s often hard to detect the signs until the disease is already too advanced.<\/p>\n

Under NHS rules, it is a reading over 140\/90mmHg \u2013 with around 12 million people eligible for treatment.<\/p>\n


The pressure on the arterial walls can damage other organs. Complications include vision loss, dementia and heart failure.<\/p>\n

The NHS states that in about 1\/20 cases high blood pressure is caused by an underlying condition or a medicine.<\/p>\n



High blood pressure affects millions of Brits<\/span>Credit: Getty<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n