{"id":156995,"date":"2023-04-09T21:37:10","date_gmt":"2023-04-09T16:07:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/over-half-of-adults-have-silent-killer-condition-but-dont-know-it-yet-experts-warn\/"},"modified":"2023-04-09T21:38:16","modified_gmt":"2023-04-09T16:08:16","slug":"experts-warn-that-over-half-the-adults-who-have-silent-killer-conditions-dont-yet-know-they-are-suffering","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/experts-warn-that-over-half-the-adults-who-have-silent-killer-conditions-dont-yet-know-they-are-suffering\/","title":{"rendered":"Experts warn that over HALF the adults who have silent killer conditions don’t yet know they are suffering."},"content":{"rendered":"\n

MILLIONS upon millions of people were warned to be aware that they are at risk from a silent killer.<\/p>\n

More than half of the adults living in England suffer from the condition. This can lead to deadly heart diseases.<\/p>\n



High cholesterol can lead to several\u00a0heart disease\u00a0including\u00a0heart attacks\u00a0and\u00a0strokes<\/span>Credit to Getty \u2013 Contributor<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

According to British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine<\/a> Many people don’t know they have (BANT). <\/p>\n

Often dubbed a “silent killer” – high cholesterol can lead to several\u00a0heart disease\u00a0including\u00a0heart attacks\u00a0and\u00a0strokes.<\/p>\n

Heart\u00a0and circulatory\u00a0diseases\u00a0cause a quarter of all\u00a0deaths\u00a0in the\u00a0UK – that’s more than 160,000\u00a0deaths\u00a0each year.<\/p>\n

What is normal cholesterol?<\/h2>\n

Cholesterol\u00a0is the fatty substance that is carried in the blood to build healthy cells.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s made by the liver but found in certain foods, and high levels can increase your risk of serious health problems.<\/p>\n

Lipoprotein is a combination of cholesterol and protein that can be carried in blood.<\/p>\n

There are two kinds of lipoprotein: low-density and high-density.<\/p>\n

How can you tell the difference between “good” and “bad” cholesterol?<\/h2>\n

HDLs transport cholesterol from the cells to the liver, where it can then be broken down.<\/p>\n

The body can then use it or dispose of the waste.<\/p>\n

HDLs are known as \u201cgood cholesterol\u201d and higher levels are considered better.<\/p>\n

LDLs are cholesterol that is carried to the cells that need it. However, if there’s too much, this can cause artery wall damage, leading to heart disease.<\/p>\n

LDLs are therefore known as \u201cbad cholesterol\u201d.<\/p>\n

Which is the best way lower your cholesterol?<\/h2>\n

Cutting back cholesterol\u00a0to the levels we were born with reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by a third, a study found.<\/p>\n

According to BANT, there are many ways that you can reduce your expenses.<\/p>\n

  • Keep a low-fat diet<\/li>\n
  • Saturated fat can be replaced with fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals<\/li>\n
  • Stop smoking<\/li>\n
  • Get regular exercise<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>\n