{"id":149572,"date":"2022-11-14T23:27:46","date_gmt":"2022-11-14T17:57:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/how-a-simple-patch-could-help-cure-baldness-giving-hope-to-thousands\/"},"modified":"2022-11-14T23:28:01","modified_gmt":"2022-11-14T17:58:01","slug":"the-simple-patch-that-could-cure-your-baldness-is-a-hope-for-thousands","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/the-simple-patch-that-could-cure-your-baldness-is-a-hope-for-thousands\/","title":{"rendered":"The simple patch that could ‘cure’ your baldness is a hope for thousands"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Experts believe that a SIMPLE patch could be used to ‘cure baldness’.<\/p>\n

The gadget was created by Chinese researchers using tiny needles and artificial Intelligence.<\/p>\n



The patches could be used to treat baldness in both men and women by Medics<\/span>Credit: Getty<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Many people are affected by male- or female-pattern hair loss. The medics suggest that this new technique can help them.<\/p>\n

Write in the journal Nano Letters<\/a>The patch neutralizes highly reactive chemicals, which cause hair to thin and eventually disappear.<\/p>\n

Within just 13 days, the patches had the ability to regenerate hair in mice.<\/p>\n

The patches were more effective than any other treatment, such as testosterone or chemical minoxidil.<\/p>\n

A variety of factors can cause hair loss in people suffering from pattern baldness.<\/p>\n

The experts stated that they include male hormones, inflammation, and hair with too many reactive oxygen species (e.g. free radical molecules)<\/p>\n

The body’s antioxidant enzymes, which normally keep them in control, can become overwhelmed when there are too many factors.<\/p>\n

One of these enzymes is called \u00a0superoxide dismutase and the researchers have recently created mimics of it called nanozymes.<\/p>\n

However, the team wanted to test artificial intelligence in order to create a more effective nanozyme that could treat hair loss.<\/p>\n

They evaluated machine-learning models using 91 combinations.<\/p>\n

Experts predicted that manganese-phosphorous trisulfide, or MnPS3, would be the best tool to accomplish the task.<\/p>\n

This was then combined with small sheets of manganese, redphosphorous, and sulphur powder.<\/p>\n

Although the majority of the tests were done on mice, the initial human skin tests showed that they significantly reduced free radicals and did not cause any harm.<\/p>\n

Lina Wang of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, the study’s corresponding author, stated that hair loss can be a problem for many people – both men and women – as one’s self-confidence and hairstyle.<\/p>\n

“Some people accept it. Other people wish they could regrow their lost hair.<\/p>\n

“We have used artificial intelligence (AI) to predict compounds that could neutralise baldness-causing reactive oxygen species in the scalp.”<\/p>\n


Researchers in Japan have grown hair cells in a lab in October 2022. It raises hope that a cure is possible.<\/p>\n

The technique involves creating skin organoids \u2014 tiny, simple versions of an organ which can do some of the same tasks \u2014 in a Petri dish.<\/p>\n

The hair follicles are an organ.<\/p>\n

After 23 days, the organoids had produced fully matured follicles measuring approximately 3mm in length.<\/p>\n

Dr Tatsuto Kageyama, of Yokohama National University in\u00a0Japan, said the breakthrough could \u201cprove valuable for better understanding regenerating hair follicles\u201d.<\/p>\n

In May 2022 scientists said a new twice-a-day pill marked an ‘important milestone’ \u00a0in developing new drugs to tackle\u00a0baldness.<\/p>\n

Concert Pharmaceuticals, a drug company, recruited 706 patients with severe to moderate alopecia.<\/p>\n

They were divided into three groups. One group was given an 8mg daily pill and another received a 12mg twice-daily tablet. The third group was given a placebo.<\/p>\n

\u201cA statistically significant proportion of patients\u201dThey found that the pills had a greater rate of scalp growth than the dummy drug.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n