{"id":147233,"date":"2022-11-07T08:19:50","date_gmt":"2022-11-07T02:49:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/miriam-margolyes-says-matt-hancock-is-an-appalling-adulterous-creep\/"},"modified":"2022-11-07T08:20:07","modified_gmt":"2022-11-07T02:50:07","slug":"miriam-margolyes-claims-matt-hancock-is-an-appalling-adulterous-creep","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/miriam-margolyes-claims-matt-hancock-is-an-appalling-adulterous-creep\/","title":{"rendered":"Miriam Margolyes claims Matt Hancock is an “appalling, adulterous creep”."},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Miriam Margolyes is not shy in her assessment of Matt Hancock.<\/p>\n

The actress appeared on The Six O’Clock Show<\/em>where she was asked about her thoughts on the former health secretary’s joiningI’m a Celebrity<\/em>He did so, and his whip was taken away from him.<\/p>\n

She launched an immediate tirade of critics at the politician, and even asked why anyone would want him to be her. “lover”.<\/p>\n

“What a vile personality!”She spoke. “What an appalling adulterous creep.”<\/p>\n

“And why we have him on our televisions I don’t know”She continued. “I don’t know why he was thought of a proper person to entertain.<\/p>\n

“He is a horrible human being. He nearly destroyed the national healthcare system. He sent a lot of Covid-positive elderly ladies back to their care homes.<\/p>\n

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“I think he’s a detestable, vile, puny individual. How anybody can let him be their lover I don’t know. I think he’s vile and I think the same of most of that government.<\/p>\n


u201cMiriam Margolyes is brutally honest ud83dude02nnMariam has Martin & Fionnuala in stitches talking about The Queen telling her to “be quiet”, the explicit start to her career & what she thinks of Matt Hancock… ud83eudd23u201d<\/p>\n

\u2014 The Six O’Clock Show (@The Six O’Clock Show)

Hancock will join the series and he has been widely criticised for doing so given parliament is sitting. However he claims he is going on the show to reach wider mainstream audiences and raise awareness of certain issues.<\/p>\n

A spokesperson for Hancock said: “The second reading of Matt’s Dyslexia Screening and Teacher Training Bill is just days after I’m A Celeb finishes. This is an amazing opportunity for Matt to raise the profile of his dyslexia campaign and to talk about an issue he really cares about in front of millions of people.”<\/p>\n

<\/span>Say what you really think, Miriam.<\/p>\n

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