{"id":145360,"date":"2022-11-01T06:05:54","date_gmt":"2022-11-01T00:35:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/im-a-pilot-heres-why-having-a-scarier-landing-is-actually-a-good-thing\/"},"modified":"2022-11-01T06:06:56","modified_gmt":"2022-11-01T00:36:56","slug":"im-a-pilot-heres-why-having-a-scarier-landing-is-actually-a-good-thing","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/im-a-pilot-heres-why-having-a-scarier-landing-is-actually-a-good-thing\/","title":{"rendered":"I’m a pilot – here\u2019s why having a scarier landing is actually a good thing"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

LANDING can be one the most terrifying aspects of flying. Especially when the plane hits the runway with a loud bang.<\/p>\n

But, landings that are more difficult and scary can be safer than having your plane gently return to the runway.<\/p>\n



Pilots prefer to land harder than more gentle landings because they can stop the plane.<\/span>Credit: Alamy<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Sun Online Travel’s Pilot Eser Aksan E explained why she and her fellow pilots prefer to return with a bang.<\/p>\n

She stated that to have a soft landing, one must float for a long period of time over the runway, but not land.<\/p>\n

Pilots loathe this type of landing because it reduces your landing run.<\/p>\n

“You only have a limited runway and if your plane keeps floating, it will eventually run out of runway.<\/p>\n

“That’s why most pilots prefer a firm landing when it’s wet or slippery, especially in rainy conditions. <\/p>\n

It should be firm and should be immediately. This will give you a long runway to stop at, which is useful in case you make mistakes.<\/p>\n

“If you keep floating, you don’t have any runway left.”<\/p>\n

Pilots who land on the runway have an aiming point that they use to aim at the runway.<\/p>\n

But, this is not always possible. Those who run out of runway have two options. Either continue to fly until they stop or take off again.<\/p>\n

If the reverse thrust system is not turned on, it’s impossible to take off again.<\/p>\n

Once the “reversers”The system that assists aircraft in slowing down after landing is on. Pilots now have one option.<\/p>\n

Eser said, “There is a route back. You can still takeoff again.”<\/p>\n

You have the option to take off if you are too far from the runway. You can take off again as long as the reversers are not opened. <\/p>\n

“But if the reversers are opened, there is no return. You must stop.<\/p>\n

“That’s why a very smooth landing is something we don’t want because you need to get rid of your speed a little bit during the landing as well. So a little bit of a bump is always good.”<\/p>\n

Pilots want a firmer landing. However, a soft landing does not necessarily mean that you are a bad pilot.<\/p>\n

Eser stated that there are many factors that can influence how a plane lands. Therefore, it is not possible to judge whether a pilot is competent or unprofessional based on how the plane touches down.<\/p>\n

She stated, “You don\u2019t always know the circumstances.” <\/p>\n

“I don\u2019t know what the wind has done, or if it has changed.” <\/p>\n

“It could be a bad day or something could be wrong, so I think it would be wrong to judge somebody on their landing.”<\/p>\n

This pilot also shared the difficult decisions they make when it’s stormy.<\/p>\n

Another pilot shared his knowledge about what they need to do to keep the plane in flight.<\/p>\n



Eser explained why bumpy landings are more dangerous than gentle ones<\/span>Credit: Eser Aksan E<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n