{"id":143441,"date":"2022-10-26T01:00:47","date_gmt":"2022-10-25T19:30:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/taylor-swifts-ex-conor-kennedy-gets-candid-about-his-involvement-in-ukraine-war\/"},"modified":"2022-10-26T01:01:04","modified_gmt":"2022-10-25T19:31:04","slug":"conor-kennedy-taylor-swifts-ex-gets-candid-about-his-involvement-with-the-ukraine-war","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/conor-kennedy-taylor-swifts-ex-gets-candid-about-his-involvement-with-the-ukraine-war\/","title":{"rendered":"Conor Kennedy, Taylor Swift\u2019s ex, gets candid about his involvement with the Ukraine War"},"content":{"rendered":"



Conor Kennedy stood up for his beliefs. Moved by the devastating news out of Ukraine over the past year,\u00a0the 28-year-old divulged in\u00a0an October\u00a0Instagram post<\/a>\u00a0that he enlisted in Ukraine’s International Legion of foreign fighters. Kennedy stated that he was not looking to cause any distress or give special treatment. “told one person here where I was, and I told one person there my real name.”\u00a0Although he admitted to lacking previous military experience, Kennedy wrote, “I could carry heavy things and learned fast. I was also willing to die there. So they soon agreed to send me to the northeastern front.”<\/p>\n

Kennedy, having made it home safe and sound, gave a special shout out to his fellow Legionnaires, renaming them “true freedom fighters.”Kennedy wrote about his comrades. “I’ll always owe them for their example,” adding that although his time in Ukraine was abbreviated, he\u00a0would\u00a0gladly “take all the risks we took over again.”Kennedy also wanted to share his story in order to inspire others to take action.\u00a0“Every day, someone there sacrifices everything for a lasting peace. They can’t be asked to act alone,”He wrote.<\/p>\n

His strong familial connections (he’s Robert F. Kennedy\u2019s grandson, after all) as well as his 2012 rollercoaster romance and love for Taylor Swift were what made him famous. Us Weekly<\/a>Kennedy has left behind a solid legacy.\u00a0<\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n