{"id":141655,"date":"2022-10-20T01:51:45","date_gmt":"2022-10-19T20:21:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/every-song-in-magical-movie\/"},"modified":"2022-10-20T01:52:06","modified_gmt":"2022-10-19T20:22:06","slug":"every-song-in-the-magical-movie","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/every-song-in-the-magical-movie\/","title":{"rendered":"Every song in the magical movie"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Music in a movie or television series can be as important as the final product. The use of licensed songs or cinematic scores can give each scene the right feel.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Netflix\u2019s newest arrival, The School For Good And Evil, blends both of these elements to bring a modern twist to its magical fantasy story.<\/p>\n

But which songs feature in the soundtrack of The School For Good And Evil and who composed the movie\u2019s spellbinding score?<\/p>\n


Official Trailer for The School for Good and Evil | Official Trailer | Netflix<\/h4>\n





The School for Good and Evil Official Trailer | Official Trailer | Netflix<\/p>\n






The School For Good And Evil: Release date & plot preview<\/h2>\n

Netflix released The School For Good And Evil on Wednesday October 19, 2022.<\/p>\n

The film is based on Soman Chainani’s novel. It tells the story about best friends Sophie, Agatha and their unlikely bond.<\/p>\n

Sophie wants to escape her mundane life to be a princess. Agatha, however, is more of a brooding witch.<\/p>\n

However, when a powerful force takes the pair to the School For Good And Evil they reverse their roles. The bright-eyed Sophie is put in the School For Evil and the grim Agatha gets inducted into School For Good.<\/p>\n

They hope to be reunited but they are hindered by a rival magic and other sinister obstacles.<\/p>\n

The School For Good And Evil soundtrack<\/h2>\n

The School For Good And Evil uses a variety of licensed songs.<\/p>\n

Who was responsible for the score?<\/h2>\n

The School For Good And Evil features more than just licensed songs. It also has its own original score, composed by Theodore Shapiro.<\/p>\n

The Washington DC-born composer has been crafting music for filmsAnd TV shows since the 1990s and is noted for his frequent collaborations with the likes of Ben Still, Jay Roach, Karyn Kusama and this film\u2019s director, Paul Feig.<\/p>\n

Throughout his career, Shapiro has worked on the likes of The Devil Wears Prada, Blades Of Glory, Tropic Thunder, Marley & Me, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, Spy, Trumbo, Zoolander 2, 2016\u2019s Ghostbusters, Last Christmas, Trolls World Tour and the Apple TV+ series Severance.<\/p>\n

To coincide with the release of The School For Good And Evil, Theodore Shapiro\u2019s enchanting score has been made available on music streaming sites such as Spotify<\/a> and Apple Music<\/a>.<\/p>\n


You can stream The School For Good And Evil now Netflix<\/a>After release on October 19, 2022.<\/em><\/p>\n
