{"id":140984,"date":"2022-10-17T23:13:49","date_gmt":"2022-10-17T17:43:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/fake-barbie-onlyfans-model-told-pal-i-want-to-kill-my-boyfriend-and-his-lover-so-bad-before-stabbing-him-to-death\/"},"modified":"2022-10-17T23:15:02","modified_gmt":"2022-10-17T17:45:02","slug":"onlyfans-model-fake-barbie-told-her-pal-i-want-to-kill-his-boyfriend-and-his-girlfriend-so-bad-beforestabbing-him-to-the-death","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/onlyfans-model-fake-barbie-told-her-pal-i-want-to-kill-his-boyfriend-and-his-girlfriend-so-bad-beforestabbing-him-to-the-death\/","title":{"rendered":"OnlyFans Model ‘Fake Barbie” told her pal “I want to kill his boyfriend and his girlfriend so bad”, before’stabbing him to the death’."},"content":{"rendered":"\n

AN OnlyFans model is being tried for the murder of her partner. He threatened to leave her hours before his death. “just words”.<\/p>\n

A court heard that Abigail White (24), stabbed Bradley Lewis (22) in the heart with a knife.<\/p>\n



Abigail White (24), is being tried for murdering her boyfriend<\/span>Credit: Facebook<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


After White stabbed Bradley Lewis in the heart, Lewis, 22, died.<\/span>Credit: Facebook<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

White, who used to refer to herself in the past as “fake Barbie”, admits manslaughter but denies murder.<\/p>\n

This morning, she told a Bristol Crown Court jury that even though he had said he didn’t want to be in the relationship any longer just hours before his death he still believed her.<\/p>\n

She stated, “He doesn’t think that. He never thought that. It was only words.<\/p>\n

“That would just be something that we both frequently said to one another, but didn’t mean we actually wanted to do it.”<\/p>\n


Bradley was killed by a single stabbing wound to the chest on March 26, in the early hours.<\/p>\n

According to the court, the couple had been arguing about their unfaithfulness for years together. They were even previously ordered by social services to stay apart.<\/p>\n

Jurors also heard a message that Bradley had sent to her friend before the stabbing. It was an audio message in which she suggested she was ready to threaten Bradley with violence. “the truth”.<\/p>\n

She said the following in the recording “He only tells me the truth when he thinks I’m gunna kill him, like when I get a knife out, like when I’m gunna stab him”.<\/p>\n

White acknowledged that she made the statement. However, White added: “But that’s not what I meant”.<\/p>\n

The prosecution heard that White and a friend were involved in a drunken argument at a pub.<\/p>\n

She felt that Bradley didn’t stand up for her in the argument which saw her shoved on the ground.<\/p>\n

White was also interrogated by the prosecution about a text she sent to a friend in which she suggested she wanted to kill Brad, Anna, and his friend.<\/p>\n

She wrote: “I want to kill them so bad, but I can’t do prison time and leave my kids.”<\/p>\n

White was also interviewed by the prosecution in relation to a call that Bradley made to a friend asking for help. White claimed that White was a prostitute. “trying to kill him”.<\/p>\n

Bradley spoke to Sophie during the phone call: “Help me Sophie, she’s trying to kill me, she keeps beating me up, she’s trying to stab me, she’s hurting me.”<\/p>\n

White, who is alleged to have been heard telling him to in the background. “shut the f**k up”She said that she didn’t recall Bradley’s apparent plea for assistance.<\/p>\n

She explained: “I don’t remember that. I was just crying, feeling upset, feeling heartbroken.”<\/p>\n

She also denied beating, trying to stab, or threatening to murder Bradley during the call.<\/p>\n

White also demonstrated how she held her knife, which she stabbed Bradley with, to Anna Vigars KC as Prosecutor.<\/p>\n

White demonstrated to the court how she held the large knife in her hand, the blade pointed downwards towards the ground, while holding it on the handle.<\/p>\n

White initially denied that she was acting out of rage when she was asked. “anger”Bradley was attacked by her.<\/p>\n

She continued: “I was angry and upset. I took out the knife because I felt I had to, but I wasn’t going to hurt him or cause him harm.”<\/p>\n

“I didn’t know that that would happen, it just happened.”<\/p>\n

She said that she was emotional. “really didn’t”Intention to hurt him when he was stabbed by her, and that the incident was “just over before I even thought”, adding: “I didn’t realise I had done that until after”.<\/p>\n

She also expressed regret at lying to neighbours, police, and hospital staff about the stabbing.<\/p>\n

Friday’s hearing heard from the court that White told his neighbors that Bradley had caused the injuries.<\/p>\n

She denied that she had lied in order to protect her self, and she stated: “No, I was worried about what was going to happen to all of us. Not just me, but the children, and Brad.”<\/p>\n

White also denied that he tried to cover up Bradley’s death by cleaning up blood from Bradley’s body as he lay dying in his kitchen.<\/p>\n

She explained: “I cleaned up by Brad in the kitchen when he was laying on the floor because I didn’t want my son to see what had happened to his daddy.”<\/p>\n

The trial continues.<\/p>\n



White admits to manslaughter but denies murder<\/span>Credit: PA<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n