{"id":138940,"date":"2022-10-11T03:32:51","date_gmt":"2022-10-10T22:02:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/2-new-netflix-releases-from-this-weekend-that-are-so-underrated\/"},"modified":"2022-10-11T03:34:23","modified_gmt":"2022-10-10T22:04:23","slug":"two-new-netflix-movies-this-weekend-that-are-underrated","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/two-new-netflix-movies-this-weekend-that-are-underrated\/","title":{"rendered":"Two new Netflix movies this weekend that are underrated"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Out of the usual hefty batch of new Netflix releases that the streamer dumped on us over the weekend, some of the just-released titles will stand out and maybe even go on to become favorites \u2014 or at least more heavily streamed \u2014 than others, depending on who\u2019s watching. For me, two of the eight titles that we previewed on Friday are not only top-notch but among Netflix\u2019s more underrated series of late: They include a new K-drama, Glitch<\/em>The third and final season in a series that was set in Ireland. Derry Girls<\/em>.<\/p>\n

2 Netflix new releases to look out for<\/h2>\n

We\u2019ll talk about both of these new Netflix titles below, which are absolutely worth adding to your must-watch streaming list.<\/p>\n


After finishing the second episode in this new Netflix 10-episode series, I was a little hesitant and almost ready to quit. Glitch<\/em> definitely starts slow, but stick with it: Things kick into overdrive in Episode 3, with the series\u2019 dynamics firmly in place.<\/p>\n

Set in Seoul, it\u2019s a sort of buddy dramedy that pairs up a straight-laced, analytical young woman with her snarky, cool opposite. Together, they investigate the mystery of the disappearance of the first woman\u2019s boyfriend. You\u2019re led to believe that he was snatched by aliens, and that one of the two women can actually See more<\/em> aliens among us \u2014 while the other is a believer who loves chasing down these kinds of fringe-y mysteries.<\/p>\n

A scene from Netflix’s K-drama \u201cGlitch,\u201dThe service launched on October 7. Image source: Netflix<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

A new K-drama; two impossible to dislike female characters who are thrown together for what basically amounts to going on a quest; aliens; comedy; a religious cult \u2014 Glitch<\/em>This series has everything you need to make a Netflix series that’s addictively binge-worthy. But, again, you\u2019ve got to give it at least until Episode 3 for things to really get going.<\/p>\n


Derry Girls<\/em><\/a><\/h3>\n

Meanwhile, I\u2019ve found it to be a good rule of thumb to follow that almost any streaming title that emerges out of Ireland is worth at least checking out, if not enjoying in full. It\u2019s not so much a stereotype as it is the sum total of my experience enjoying Irish content, including everything from the gangland drama Kin<\/em>AMC+<\/a> (starring Daredevil\u2019s<\/em>Charlie Cox: The criminally underrated Derry Girls<\/em> on Netflix \u2014 not to mention a buzzy movie like The Banshees in Inisherin<\/em> starring Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson that\u2019s coming to theaters later this month.<\/p>\n


“You’re a Derry Girl now\u2026”<\/p>\n

Netflix now has the final season this touching, funny comedy. pic.twitter.com\/doB651kFP5<\/a><\/p>\n

\u2014 Netflix (@netflix) October 7, 2022<\/a><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

Concerning Derry Girls<\/em>: Netflix released the third and final season this weekend of the sweet, Irish-infused, and F-bomb-laden series about a group of high school classmates. \u201cWhile Northern Ireland is growing up, this gang of \u2018eejits\u2019 certainly aren\u2019t any time soon,\u201d Netflix\u2019s summary teases. Furthermore, \u201cThere\u2019s hope in the air that The Troubles may finally be over.\u201d<\/p>\n

\u201cChange may finally be coming to Northern Ireland. But the high school hardships of Erin and her friends show no signs of letting up.\u201d<\/p>\n

This series makes me want a pint and to hop on an Aer Lingus flight straight to Londonderry. You\u2019ll laugh until your stomach hurts, you\u2019ll cry, and you\u2019ll eventually come to understand that Netflix series just don\u2019t get much better than this.<\/p>\n


Additional Netflix news<\/strong>: Netflix Top 10: The top 10 most-watched shows around the globe right now<\/em><\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n