{"id":138794,"date":"2022-10-10T15:28:51","date_gmt":"2022-10-10T09:58:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/fat-busting-diet-plan-that-will-help-beat-diabetes-to-be-prescribed-on-nhs-with-average-patients-ditching-two-stone\/"},"modified":"2022-10-10T15:31:53","modified_gmt":"2022-10-10T10:01:53","slug":"a-diet-plan-to-lose-weight-and-beat-diabetes-will-be-prescribed-by-the-nhs-average-patients-will-save-two-stone","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/a-diet-plan-to-lose-weight-and-beat-diabetes-will-be-prescribed-by-the-nhs-average-patients-will-save-two-stone\/","title":{"rendered":"A diet plan to lose weight and beat diabetes will be prescribed by the NHS. Average patients will save two stone"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

SOUP and shakes will be prescribed by the NHS as part an updated diet plan that helps patients with diabetes.<\/p>\n

Average patients lost two stone during clinical trials. The plan also limits daily intake to just 850 calories. This goal is to help 500 Type 2 diabetics beat the disease each week.<\/p>\n



The new diet will be available on the NHS starting next year<\/span>Credit: Getty<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

After extensive clinical trials, the scheme could be implemented nationally within the next year.<\/p>\n

It helped the 2,000 test patients lose on average 2 stone, and almost half of them reversed diabetes.<\/p>\n

Professor Jonathan Valbhji of the NHS, who is also the chief on diabetes, and obesity, stated that they have seen amazing early results from the NHS Low-Calorie Diet Programme. They plan to expand the program nationwide, so that thousands can lose weight and improve their overall health.<\/p>\n

“Rolling out low-calorie diets on the NHS may help many more people to turn the tide on type 2 diabetes and potentially slash their risk of serious health implications.”<\/p>\n

He said that the weight loss achieved after the trials was maintained for six months.<\/p>\n

The diet involves patients receiving sachets containing powder to be added to water for making soups and shakes over the course of three months.<\/p>\n

Doctors and coaches support them before encouraging them to eat healthier after losing weight.<\/p>\n

The new scheme will see GPs refer patients to the diet and provide support throughout.<\/p>\n


Faraza Anderson, a community worker, took part in the diet program after she took the most unflattering picture following a large meal.<\/p>\n

Faraza, 43 years old, said to the Daily Mail that the photo he had saved on his phone was one he would normally delete right away.<\/p>\n

“But it inspired me because I would have done absolutely anything to reverse my type 2 diabetes and avoid having to take medication for a serious condition.”<\/p>\n

After falling into poor eating habits during her recovery from spinal surgery she developed diabetes.<\/p>\n

She is now in remission from diabetes after six months of being at her lowest weight, 12st 4lb.<\/p>\n

Professor Roy Taylor was the leader of one of these trials. “This represents a potentially huge opportunity for people who find themselves with type 2 diabetes and could change their lives at the same time as reducing the strain on the NHS.”<\/p>\n

Diabetes is linked to obesity, high blood pressure, and heart problems.<\/p>\n



Nearly half the patients achieved remission from diabetes.<\/span>Credit: Getty<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n