{"id":138271,"date":"2022-10-08T21:38:45","date_gmt":"2022-10-08T16:08:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/billy-eichners-bros-director-speaks-out-after-the-actor-claimed-homophobia-caused-the-movie-to-flop\/"},"modified":"2022-10-08T21:40:04","modified_gmt":"2022-10-08T16:10:04","slug":"billy-eichners-bros-director-speaks-out-after-the-actor-claimed-homophobia-caused-the-movie-to-flop","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/billy-eichners-bros-director-speaks-out-after-the-actor-claimed-homophobia-caused-the-movie-to-flop\/","title":{"rendered":"Billy Eichner\u2019s Bros Director Speaks Out After The Actor Claimed Homophobia Caused The Movie To Flop"},"content":{"rendered":"



Bros<\/em> \u2013 the new queer romantic comedy starring Billy Eichner \u2013 has stirred up a lot of conversation over the past week. Last weekend, Eichner\u2019s movie underperformed at the box office<\/u>The actor shared some thoughts on social networking during the film’s debut. Eichner expressed dismay at the $4.8million haul and then claimed that homophobia was a factor and that not all people saw the movie. Since then, a number of people have shared varying opinions on the star\u2019s assertion. Now, director Nicholas Stoller is weighing in on his leading man\u2019s polarizing tweets.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Billy Eichner, who took to Twitter to express his opinions, said that \u201cstraight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn\u2019t show up for Bros.\u201d This is one of the major points that\u2019s been debated amongst box office analysts, critics and the general public alike during the past several days. Nicholas Stoller didn\u2019t shy away from addressing the matter during a lengthy interview with The Hollywood Reporter<\/u><\/a>. Per Stoller, Eichner \u201csaid the truth,\u201d as the the viewership data they received matched the actor\u2019s assessment:\u00a0<\/p>\n


[As for his recent tweet]He was honest. We received the data back. The movie was only seen by gay men. It\u2019s not like he said something that was a lie or incorrect. I think people have been trained by the industry not to see comedy in the theaters. However, I think people also saw it and thought. \u2018That story\u2019This is not my story. Why would I go see that?\u2019 And they will slowly discover it because that\u2019s what\u2019s happened with most of the movies I\u2019ve directed, with the exception of Neighbors, is people discover it as it gets out in the world. It’s still a scary thing to see in theaters, but it will be accessible online for many people.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<\/figure>\n