{"id":134557,"date":"2022-09-26T13:40:50","date_gmt":"2022-09-26T08:10:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/boost-for-holidaymakers-with-new-rules-for-brits-heading-to-portugal\/"},"modified":"2022-09-26T13:41:52","modified_gmt":"2022-09-26T08:11:52","slug":"holidaymakers-get-a-boost-with-new-rules-for-brits-traveling-to-portugal","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/holidaymakers-get-a-boost-with-new-rules-for-brits-traveling-to-portugal\/","title":{"rendered":"Holidaymakers get a boost with new rules for Brits traveling to Portugal"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

As more holidaymakers travel to Portugal, BRITS have received a welcome boost.<\/p>\n

Portugal ended mandatory face masks in public places last month.<\/p>\n



No longer are face masks required in public transport and most public places in Portugal<\/span>Credit: Getty<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Face masks were still required on public transport like buses, flights and taxis.<\/p>\n

According to the UK Foreign Office however, it is no longer recommended.<\/p>\n

It is instead “recommended”They are only worn in certain areas.<\/p>\n

The advice at the moment is: “You should wear your face covering, as appropriate, when you enter buildings and keep it on until you leave.”<\/p>\n


Patients in nursing homes and hospitals must continue to wear face masks.<\/p>\n

Brits who are planning to travel to Madeira or Azores need to be cautious. They may not know the proper rules.<\/p>\n

Madeira has face masks that can be purchased in pharmacies. They are also required for 10 days for Covid testing.<\/p>\n

Face masks in Azores health facilities are required. They also require a negative Covid screening.<\/p>\n

Other holiday destinations have dropped their Covid rules.<\/p>\n

Greece lifted all its restrictions in May. Face masks were no longer required since June.<\/p>\n

June also saw\u00a0Egypt ditching the Covid\u00a0restrictions for tourists, followed by France last month.<\/p>\n


In July,\u00a0Malta scrapped\u00a0all of its Covid entry requirements.<\/p>\n

Spain has been free from the Brits’ health control form since last week.<\/p>\n



Portugal is one of the destinations that has been easing travel restrictions in recent weeks<\/span>Credit to Alamy<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n