{"id":129246,"date":"2022-08-24T17:23:48","date_gmt":"2022-08-24T11:53:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/dame-deborah-james-book-reaches-number-one-in-the-uk-charts\/"},"modified":"2022-08-24T17:24:34","modified_gmt":"2022-08-24T11:54:34","slug":"no-1-in-the-uk-charts-is-deborah-james-book","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/no-1-in-the-uk-charts-is-deborah-james-book\/","title":{"rendered":"No. 1 in the UK charts is Deborah James’ book"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

DAME Deborah James’ book reached number one on the UK charts, according to new figures.<\/p>\n

The Central Recorder writer, in her final weeks of life, had published “How to Live When You Could be Dead” during her last weeks.<\/p>\n



The book is also the bestselling debut non-fiction book of 2022.<\/span>Credit: Eroteme<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


Deborah wrote the last chapters in her parents’ house before she died in June<\/span>Credit: Graham Prentice<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

The book sold 40 878 copies after its release on Thursday, according to Nielsen BookScan\u2019s Total Consumer Market.<\/p>\n

It is also the best-selling nonfiction debut book of 2022.<\/p>\n

Bowel cancer\u00a0campaigner Debs had been living at her parents’ house in Woking, Surrey in the weeks leading up to her\u00a0death on June 28.<\/p>\n

Debs began to write the last chapters together with Sebastien Bowen after she told her husband she was moving to end of life care.<\/p>\n


Heather, Heather’s mum, recently appeared on Lorraine to discuss her daughter’s book.<\/p>\n

The mother-of-two, who was filmed just before Deborah’s passing, encouraged people to take those small moments ‘whenever they see them’ in a promotional video.<\/p>\n

The video continues to show Debs and her daughter Eloise dancing.<\/p>\n

Debs says, “Savor the good times in any way that you can.”<\/p>\n

“You may find yourself on a pathway that you didn’t want to go down, but sometimes it’s ok to adjust your expectations and keep walking to those dreams anyway.”<\/p>\n

Debs then walks through a garden picking flowers before she issues her last note.<\/p>\n

“But if you’re having a bad day today, remember tomorrow might just be that good day that you need”She replied,<\/p>\n

Sam Jackson, Vermilion books’ editorial director, said, “I am so happy that How To Live When You Might Be Dead has become number one in nonfiction sales.”<\/p>\n

Deborah always wanted to write a big bestseller in self-help, and it was a dream come true. It’s been an honor to help make this happen.<\/p>\n

“This is by far my proudest publishing moment and I am delighted that Deborah’s inspiring and transformative perspective will help so many people.”<\/p>\n

Heather explained that it took her two years to complete the book and said that the last two chapters were difficult for her to understand.<\/p>\n

She stated that the “last two chapters” were completed at her house in the final weeks of her life.<\/p>\n

She didn’t expect it to be the end she was looking for when she began the book two-years ago, but she didn\u2019t know how much she would have to wait.<\/p>\n

“But she had two years which were amazing. I’ve read the last chapters now and they are very emotional.”<\/p>\n


Bowel cancer symptoms to discuss with your GP:<\/h3>\n<\/p>\n

The following are five warning signs of bowel cancer:<\/p>\n

  • Bleeding in the back passage or bloody poo<\/li>\n
  • You may want to change your toilet habits. For example, you might go more often.<\/li>\n
  • A lump or pain in your stomach<\/li>\n
  • Extreme tiredness<\/li>\n
  • Losing weight<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n

    Bowel tumors are known to bleed and can cause anemia (a shortage of red blood cell). It can lead to tiredness, and even breathlessness.<\/p>\n

    Sometimes, bowel cancer can lead to bowel obstruction.<\/p>\n

    You may also notice the following signs and symptoms of bowel cancer:<\/p>\n

    • Feelings of pain in the abdomen<\/li>\n
    • Feeling bloated<\/li>\n
    • Wind-related symptoms include constipation and inability to pass wind.<\/li>\n
    • Being sick<\/li>\n
    • Feeling like you have to strain, like doing a number 2, but after you’ve gone to the loo<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

      Debs, known as BowelBabe to her legions of Instagram fans, was diagnosed with incurable\u00a0bowel cancer\u00a0just days before Christmas in 2016, at the age of 35.<\/p>\n

      After learning in May that she would receive\u00a0end-of-life hospice care, she began fundraising in earnest –\u00a0with the total now topping an astonishing \u00a37.4million.<\/p>\n

      Despite being told she had an eight per cent chance of living five years,\u00a0Deborah defied the odds stacked against her.<\/p>\n

      A few months after celebrating her 40th birthday in October, a day she never imagined she would live to experience, the brave campaigner celebrated the five-year anniversary.<\/p>\n

      Deborah\u00a0shared every step of her journey\u00a0with Sun readers in her column\u00a0Things Cancer Made Me Say\u00a0and her army of loyal social media followers.<\/p>\n

      She then presented the BBC Podcast, which was awarded.\u00a0You, Me, and the Big C\u00a0<\/a>with fellow cancer patients\u00a0Rachael Bland, who passed away in September 2018, Lauren Mahon and Rachael\u2019s husband Steve.<\/p>\n

      Deborah’s diagnosis of bowel cancer in 2005 was a turning point in the public conversation about the disease. She raised vital awareness and broke down taboos.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n