{"id":128037,"date":"2022-08-20T16:21:43","date_gmt":"2022-08-20T10:51:43","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/what-happened-moments-after-a-man-made-a-nazi-salute\/"},"modified":"2022-08-20T16:23:01","modified_gmt":"2022-08-20T10:53:01","slug":"what-happened-after-a-nazi-salute-was-made-by-a-man","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/what-happened-after-a-nazi-salute-was-made-by-a-man\/","title":{"rendered":"What happened after a Nazi salute was made by a man?"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

A Nazi is a terrible person.<\/p>\n

In August 2017, a group far-right white supremacists invaded Charlottesville, Virginia. They were met with strong resistance.<\/p>\n

A counter-fascist demonstration was able to overcome the controversial “Unite the Right” rally that Jason Kessler organized to prevent the removal Confederate General Robert E Lee’s statue. <\/p>\n

Heather Heyer, 32, was killed in violence and unrest after a car driven by James Alex Fields Jr., a white supremacist, drove into a crowd to stop the extremists. Another 19 were also injured.<\/p>\n

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Nazi paraphernalia, imagery, and imagery were widespread among far-right protestors. It included swastikas.<\/p>\n


Video: Alt-right marcher shouting “Heil, Trump”Waving the nazi salute<\/p>\n

via @tomperriello #charlottesville #AMJoy https:\/\/t.co\/s3MMSxEhWe<\/p>\n

\u2014 Scott Dworkin (@Scott Dworkin)

It is quite shocking to think that such things are happening in 21st Century America. However, one man who was brave enough to express his far-right beliefs in Charlottesville got his comeuppance in a series of perfectly timed photos.<\/p>\n

This reminds us of the time Richard Spencer, a prominent white supremacist and coeditor of far right website, was at his best. AltRight.com<\/em><\/a>President Trump was punched during his inauguration. <\/p>\n

An almost identical incident took place in 2017<\/a>A drunken American tourist was punched in the face after he gave the Nazi salute to Dresden.<\/p>\n

The victim, a 41-year-old male, was attacked and taken to hospital. He is being sought for bodily injury.<\/p>\n

Two Chinese tourists were caught saluting outside Berlin’s Reichstag Building in a gesture that is illegal in Germany.<\/p>\n

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