{"id":126662,"date":"2022-08-16T02:49:51","date_gmt":"2022-08-15T21:19:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/the-young-and-the-restless-announces-imani-will-be-recast-and-reveals-reason-for-hiring-new-actress\/"},"modified":"2022-08-16T02:50:01","modified_gmt":"2022-08-15T21:20:01","slug":"the-young-and-the-restless-announced-imanis-recasting-and-revealed-the-reasons-for-the-hiring-of-new-actresses","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/the-young-and-the-restless-announced-imanis-recasting-and-revealed-the-reasons-for-the-hiring-of-new-actresses\/","title":{"rendered":"The Young and the Restless announced Imani’s recasting and revealed the reasons for the hiring of new actresses"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

THE Young and the Restless announced that Imani Bent will be recast as Imani Benedict with a new actress.<\/p>\n

The newcomer will be a hit with fans when she makes her debut next month.<\/p>\n



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Soaps are known for often switching up its cast, and The Young and the Restless shared on Monday that it\u2019ll be doing so in just a few of weeks.<\/p>\n

Leigh Ann Rose plays the role of Imani since 2020.<\/p>\n

In an episode that was set around Christmas in December 2020, the character was first introduced.<\/p>\n

According to Soap Opera Digest<\/a>Leigh-Ann will be temporarily absent from the show, and her role in the show will be recast.\u00a0<\/p>\n


Entertainment is the most popular genre.<\/h3>\n<\/section>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Denise Boutte was hired to play the role of Denise while her original actor is away.<\/p>\n

As for why the recasting had to happen, the outlet shared that Leigh-Ann has a scheduling conflict between Y&R and another project she\u2019s signed on to do.<\/p>\n

It has not yet been revealed what project she will be busy working on or when she\u2019ll be returning as Imani.<\/p>\n

Denise will temporarily take over the position.<\/p>\n

The first episode of her as Imani will air Tuesday, September 6.<\/p>\n

Some soap opera fans may recognize Denise as she was on Days of Our Lives. There, she played Danielle Calder and a couple of other characters.<\/p>\n

Most recently, she\u2019s been in a slew of holiday movies, including A Rich Christmas and Christmas with My Ex.<\/p>\n

She is also the voice of Raquel Ervin\/Rocket for Young Justice. In addition, she played the role as the Deputy Mayor on Terror Lake Drive.<\/p>\n

While it has not been revealed what project Leigh-Ann is working on during her Y&R absence, she does have a holiday movie of her own in the works.<\/p>\n

Titled Catfish Christmas, the Young and the Restless alum Victoria Rowell revealed a few months ago that she\u2019d be working on the film with Leigh-Ann.<\/p>\n


Victoria revealed in June that she was the director of the project. She expects it to be published next year.<\/p>\n

The pair had also teamed up for Blackjack Christmas, which they\u2019re hoping will have a 2022 release.<\/p>\n



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