{"id":119559,"date":"2022-07-27T10:12:46","date_gmt":"2022-07-27T04:42:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/zooey-deschanel-is-still-defending-her-500-days-of-summer-character-years-later\/"},"modified":"2022-07-27T10:14:01","modified_gmt":"2022-07-27T04:44:01","slug":"zooey-deschanel-is-still-defending-her-500-days-of-summer-character-years-later","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/zooey-deschanel-is-still-defending-her-500-days-of-summer-character-years-later\/","title":{"rendered":"Zooey deschanel is still defending her 500 Days of Summer character years later"},"content":{"rendered":"



500 Days of Summer<\/em>The movie offered a new take on the romcom genre. The movie’s ending is not the usual romantic story of a couple who fall in love and then moves on. Zooey Deschanel\u2019s Summer Finn has received hate from fans because she rejected her romantic fling, Tom, and got married to someone else later on. Deschanel continues her defense of Summer Finn. 500 Days of Summer <\/em>character over a decade later.<\/p>\n

When you watch The complete <\/u>500 Days of Summer<\/em><\/u>Trailer<\/u>, you know right away that this is not a love story but a realistic depiction of two people\u2019s relationship fading away. Interview with The Guardian<\/u><\/a>Zooey Deschanel said that viewers had misunderstood her character as a villain. To that end, she would like people to examine the film’s doomed romance more closely.<\/p>\n


That was my first impression. It\u2019s a very emotional response. The movie’s success is due to the fact that the characters are not together. She is upfront that she doesn\u2019t want a relationship, but he ignores her. He ignores her when she tells her: \u2018I\u2019ve never told anybody that before,\u2019 and he makes it about himself. He is fixated on external details \u2013 such as her liking the Smiths \u2013 that has nothing to do with who she is as a person. Summer is the villain? I suggest you think a little deeper.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<\/figure>\n