{"id":117161,"date":"2022-07-19T22:56:47","date_gmt":"2022-07-19T17:26:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/nasa-warns-massive-asteroid-as-long-as-four-football-fields-will-skim-past-earth-today-in-close-approach\/"},"modified":"2022-07-19T22:58:07","modified_gmt":"2022-07-19T17:28:07","slug":"nasa-warns-of-massive-asteroid-that-could-be-as-large-as-four-football-fields-and-will-soon-pass-earth-in-a-close-encounter","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/nasa-warns-of-massive-asteroid-that-could-be-as-large-as-four-football-fields-and-will-soon-pass-earth-in-a-close-encounter\/","title":{"rendered":"Nasa warns of massive asteroid that could be as large as four football fields and will soon pass Earth in a ‘close encounter’"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

A QUARTOFIELD-SIZED ASTEROID has begun to travel the minimum distance to Earth from an object as large as four football fields.<\/p>\n

The Asteroid 349068 (2006 YT13)<\/a>Tonight, you will be able to slice through the Earth at speeds exceeding 50,000 miles an hour.<\/p>\n



About one-third of an acre is the asteroid’s width<\/span>Credit: Getty Images – Getty<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

The asteroid will sail past\u00a0Earth\u00a0at 10:42PM tonight, according to data posted by Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California.<\/p>\n

The space rock is bigger than any other asteroids that pass so close to Earth. <\/p>\n

The asteroid measures approximately 1600 feet in circumference and is five times larger than the Statue of Liberty. <\/p>\n

Earth will be passed by 349068 (2006-YT13) at just over 4 million miles.<\/p>\n


It was classified as “potentially hazardous”It was supposed to be within 4.65 million mile of Earth. However, 349068 (2006YT13), is not a threat to our planet.<\/p>\n

The asteroid was first observed in 2006, but\u00a0Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Lab calculated that the rock has passed Earth 28 times since 1900.<\/p>\n

Data from Nasa\u2019s Jet Propulsion Lab shows that an asteroid of this magnitude comes within a year of Earth.<\/p>\n

The European Space Agency maintains a list containing asteroids and calculates their likelihood of striking Earth.<\/p>\n

Nearly 1,400 asteroids are found on the “risk list<\/a>“.<\/p>\n

Forbes<\/a>It was reported that an asteroid twice the diameter of 349068 (2006YT13) has a chance of connecting to Earth in 2880.<\/p>\n


After making its close approach tonight (2006 YT13), 349068 will be able to glide towards space.<\/p>\n

In August 2025, the asteroid will pass Earth.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n