{"id":115206,"date":"2022-07-13T19:44:45","date_gmt":"2022-07-13T14:14:45","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/terrifying-pictures-show-four-great-white-sharks-spotted-off-the-us-coast-in-two-days-after-string-of-horror-attacks\/"},"modified":"2022-07-13T19:45:26","modified_gmt":"2022-07-13T14:15:26","slug":"after-a-string-of-terror-attacks-terrifying-photos-show-four-great-white-sharks-being-spotted-off-the-coast-of-the-united-states-in-just-two-days","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/after-a-string-of-terror-attacks-terrifying-photos-show-four-great-white-sharks-being-spotted-off-the-coast-of-the-united-states-in-just-two-days\/","title":{"rendered":"After a string of terror attacks, terrifying photos show FOUR great-white sharks being spotted off the coast of the United States in just two days."},"content":{"rendered":"\n

After a series of terror attacks, four great white sharks were spotted off the coast of the United States in the last two days.<\/strong><\/p>\n

These sightings were made on the Sharktivity <\/a>App, were reported from Cape Cod’s coast. Massachusetts <\/a>Between July 11th and July 13<\/p>\n



Luke, a great-white shark, was spotted off Cape Cod’s coast on July 12.<\/span>Credit: Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Sharktivity Application<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n


On July 13, a beast known as Kendal was also seen.<\/span>Credit: Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Sharktivity Application<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Chatham Harbor was home to an 11-foot great White Shark, which was seen just after 4:45 PM local time on July 11.<\/p>\n

Luke, a shark identified as Luke was spotted near the Gulf of Maine shoreline, on July 12. Granese was also reported from Nauset Beach on the 13th.<\/p>\n

On July 13, a shark named Kendal also was spotted. <\/p>\n

According to Sharktivity’s app, there have been numerous sightings at Cape Cod in the last few days.<\/p>\n

Five sharks were seen at Nauset Beach on July 9, where they were found at different locations.<\/p>\n

John Dodd is the executive director of Rhode Island’s Atlantic Shark Institute.\u00a0Boston Globe<\/a>: \u201cWe see more detections, but we also have many more receivers.<\/p>\n

\u201cWe know these sharks have been in this area for a long, long time\u2026 millions of years. We\u2019re getting much better at detecting them now.\u201d<\/p>\n

Megan Winton of the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy told reporters at a conference on June 29 that great whites are a declining population. “increase sharply”July<\/p>\n

She advised: “Just know the large sharks are here.”<\/p>\n

Smith Beach, Long Island: Swimming was suspended due to “dangerous marine life”, Suffolk County officials<\/a>On July 13th, it was made public.<\/p>\n

In the US, a string of shark attacks have been reported in recent months.<\/p>\n

Amazing data shows that sharks have mauled at least 22 Americans this year.<\/p>\n

A six-foot-long beast bit a surfer’s foot on July 10 at New Smyrna Beach, Florida.<\/p>\n

This happened just one week after a 28-year-old man had his left foot bit while riding the waves at the same beaches.<\/p>\n

The popular beach resort has been dubbed\u00a0the shark capital of the world.<\/p>\n

In March, bites to the legs and feet of two men in their twenties, one a surfer and one a fisherman, were reported.<\/p>\n

Last September, a 16 year old boy was injured while surfing at the resort. He required nine stitches.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Daytona Beach News-Journal<\/a>\u00a0reported that two more people were attacked in May of 2021 on the same beach.<\/p>\n

A 21-year-old woman was hurt while wading in 4 feet of water. A 12-year old girl was attacked while surfing.<\/p>\n

Florida teenager Addison Bethea (17) was attacked by a nine-foot shark on June 30, according to estimates.<\/p>\n

She was \u201cbuddy swimming with her brother\u201d, her mom Michelle told Central Recorder.<\/p>\n

After the horrific attack, Addison had to have her leg amputated.<\/p>\n

Despite her daughter\u2019s injuries, Michelle said that Addison will continue getting back into the water.<\/p>\n

She stated: \u201cYou can’t stop living your life because this happened.\u201d<\/p>\n

Lindsay Bruns from Texas was with her family when she was attacked and mauled by the shark.<\/p>\n

The 35 year-old was riding a pontoon boat and had already jumped in the water numerous times.<\/p>\n

Lindsay\u2019s husband Luke heard a loud splash before spotting blood in the water, The Miami Herald<\/a>\u00a0reported.<\/p>\n

Lindsay was bitten in the neck by a shark.<\/p>\n

Officials from the Florida Wildlife Commission stated that Lindsay was given an in-flight transfusion of blood while being airlifted to the hospital.<\/p>\n

John Mullins was attacked on July 7th by a tiger Shark while participating in Lifeguard Training on Fire Island, New York.<\/p>\n


John sustained foot injuries in the attack. He was taken to the hospital, where he received numerous stitches.<\/p>\n

He said News12<\/a>I didn’t feel the bite initially. My adrenaline was rushing right away.\u201d<\/p>\n



Sharktivity app detected Granese, an endangered shark off Nauset Beach<\/span>Credit: Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Sharktivity Application<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div>\n