{"id":113946,"date":"2022-07-10T00:28:44","date_gmt":"2022-07-09T18:58:44","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/why-are-flags-at-half-mast-today\/"},"modified":"2022-07-10T00:28:58","modified_gmt":"2022-07-09T18:58:58","slug":"why-are-flags-displayed-at-half-mast-today-when-they-should-be","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/why-are-flags-displayed-at-half-mast-today-when-they-should-be\/","title":{"rendered":"Why are flags displayed at half-mast today, when they should be?"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

FLOATING a flag at Half-mast began in 17th century. It can be issued by President on the death of a famous figure or after an unfortunate event. <\/p>\n

To honor Shinzo Abe (ex-Japan Prime Minister), President Joe Biden ordered the US flags to fly at half-mast on July 9, 2022.<\/p>\n



President Joe Biden directed flags to fly half-mast on the 9th of July 2022<\/span>Credit: AP<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Why are flags displayed at half-mast today, when they should be?<\/h2>\n

On Friday, July 8, President Joe Biden ordered US flags to be lowered for two days out of respect for former Japanese Prime Minister,\u00a0Shinzo Abe, aged 67.<\/p>\n

In honor of Abe who was assassinated Friday morning in Nara (Japan), the flag must be flown at all US facilities overseas and on military grounds.<\/p>\n

The flags will be at half-mast from sunset on Sunday, 7 July 2010.<\/p>\n

In the proclamation, Biden stated: “The longest serving Prime Minister in Japan’s history, Abe\u00a0Shinzo was a proud servant of the Japanese people and a faithful friend to the United States. <\/p>\n

“He worked with American Presidents of both parties to deepen the Alliance between our nations and advance a common vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific.”<\/p>\n

What was the last time flags were flown half-mast? <\/h2>\n

Flags were previously flown at half-mast on July 5, 2022, after the Highland Park,\u00a0Illinois, shooting at an Independence Day parade.<\/p>\n

The order was placed \u201cas a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of gun violence perpetrated on our Independence Day,\u201dThe White House stated.<\/p>\n

Biden used to fly flags at half mast in honor of victims of the Covid-19 pandemic.<\/p>\n

“Today, we mark a tragic milestone:\u00a0one million American lives lost to Covid-19. One million empty chairs around the dinner table.\u00a0Each an irreplaceable loss,”The president stated in a Statement<\/a>. <\/p>\n

“Jill and I pray for each of them.”<\/p>\n



To honor those who have lost their lives due to the Covid-19 pandemics, Federal Flags will be flown at half-mast<\/span>Credit: Getty<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

“As a Nation, we must not grow numb to such sorrow.\u00a0To heal, we must remember,” Biden said. <\/p>\n

“We must remain vigilant against this pandemic and do everything we can to save as many lives as possible.\u00a0In remembrance, let us draw strength from each other as fellow Americans.\u00a0For while we have been humbled, we never give up.\u00a0We can and will do this together as the United States of America.”<\/p>\n


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