{"id":109057,"date":"2022-06-29T10:46:08","date_gmt":"2022-06-29T05:16:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/bizarre-source-claims-diana-ross-apparently-wants-final-fling-at-78\/"},"modified":"2022-06-29T10:46:08","modified_gmt":"2022-06-29T05:16:08","slug":"bizarre-source-claims-diana-ross-apparently-wants-final-fling-at-78","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/bizarre-source-claims-diana-ross-apparently-wants-final-fling-at-78\/","title":{"rendered":"Bizarre Source Claims Diana Ross Apparently Wants ‘Final Fling’ At 78"},"content":{"rendered":"

Diana Ross<\/strong> <\/em><\/strong>has <\/strong>indisputably had one of the most powerful and successful careers, but one recent rumor says that she\u2019s still looking for something new in her personal life. Apparently, Ross is looking to land a younger man. Here\u2019s what we\u2019ve heard.<\/p>\n

Diana Ross On The Prowl?<\/h2>\n

The headline in a recent issue of the Globe<\/em> shouts, \u201cCougar Diana Prowling For Young Love!\u201d According to the story, the legendary singer \u201cwants one final fling at age 78\u201d after swearing off men years ago. In fact, a source claims that her recent performance at the Platinum Jubilee in the UK was partially to let her meet \u201celigible younger men\u201d afterwards. <\/p>\n

\u201cShe\u2019s kept herself in good shape, as her Jubilee concert proved,\u201d the anonymous source says. \u201cShe\u2019s recently added a list of beauty rituals to glam up\u2014new clothes, switching up her exercise program, beauty treatments, and a few nip\/tucks, though she\u2019d never admit it.\u201d\u00a0<\/p>\n

RELATED: <\/strong>Callous Gossip Says Liam Neeson\u2019s Family Supposedly Pushing Him To Date Again<\/p>\n

The magazine then reminds readers that Ross has stayed single since her 2000 divorce from businessman Arne Naess Jr., whose death apparently hit Ross especially hard. \u201cFriends have been urging her to get out there again, and she\u2019s feeling it too,\u201d the source says. <\/p>\n

\u201cUp until now, Diana never thought much about dating because she had her kids and her grandkids and her life seemed full,\u201d they conclude. \u201cNow she\u2019s looking for a sexy younger man, someone who can check all the boxes for her. She\u2019s got a lot of prospects already and it won\u2019t be long before she\u2019s hooked one!\u201d\u00a0<\/p>\n

Is Diana Ross Dating Again?<\/h2>\n

First things first, Diana Ross is absolutely capable of finding a date if she wanted to, as she\u2019s a legend for a reason. However, it\u2019s beyond tacky to treat such an icon in such an unsavory way. Ross\u2019 personal life is just that\u2014personal. Regardless of whether or not she\u2019s interested in someone who is 38 or 78, it\u2019s cruel to recap personal tragedies to sell a silly rumor.\u00a0<\/p>\n

That being said, the rest of this report doesn\u2019t quite add up. While she\u2019s of course aged since her peak, Ross still looks as incredible as she has for the past several years; the anonymous source\u2019s claims that she\u2019s all of a sudden getting plastic surgery and switching up her lifestyle ring absolutely false. And it\u2019s not like Diana Ross has ever given up on love\u2014she made her career with it. <\/p>\n

It\u2019s rude to imply that Ross\u2019 Jubilee performance was for anything but the love she has<\/a> for performing and her fans. Besides, she likely won\u2019t have too much time for any British dates before she\u2019s performing somewhere else<\/a> thanks to her busy schedule.<\/p>\n

Other Celebrity Dating Rumors<\/h2>\n

The Globe<\/em> is pretty notorious for concocting celebrity dating drama where there is none. Earlier this year, it claimed that Angelina Jolie was supposedly the target of another celebrity\u2019s prowl. The outlet also argued that Kirstie Alley was secretly trying to land John Travolta. Heck, it even published a story about Michelle Obama apparently trying to pick up Lewis Hamilton. The tabloid has struck out one too many times. The Globe<\/em> obviously needs to actually listen to Diana Ross for once and stop in the name of love.<\/p>\n