{"id":108230,"date":"2022-06-24T10:26:03","date_gmt":"2022-06-24T04:56:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/chris-pratt-speaks-out-about-playing-mario-sounds-like-has-has-big-plans-for-the-nintendo-characters-voice\/"},"modified":"2022-06-24T10:26:03","modified_gmt":"2022-06-24T04:56:03","slug":"chris-pratt-speaks-out-about-playing-mario-sounds-like-has-has-big-plans-for-the-nintendo-characters-voice","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/chris-pratt-speaks-out-about-playing-mario-sounds-like-has-has-big-plans-for-the-nintendo-characters-voice\/","title":{"rendered":"Chris Pratt Speaks Out About Playing Mario, Sounds Like Has Has Big Plans For The Nintendo Character\u2019s Voice"},"content":{"rendered":"



Last September, roughly four years after Illumination Entertainment\u2019s untitled Mario<\/em> movie was announced to the public, the animated feature\u2019s voice cast was revealed, with Chris Pratt leading the charge as the man himself, Mario! We\u2019re a little under a year away from hearing how Pratt will sound as the popular Nintendo character, but the Guardians of the Galaxy<\/em> star has commented more about his upcoming vocal role, teasing how it will stand out amongst the voices we\u2019ve heard in Mario-centric projects over the years.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s no secret that after Chris Pratt\u2019s Mario casting was announced, many fans expressed confusion over why he was picked for the role, and some even campaigned for Danny DeVito to voice the character instead. While speaking with Variety<\/a>, Pratt talked about how he\u2019s put in a lot of work with the Mario<\/em> filmmakers to figure out this \u201cupdated\u201d Mario voice, saying:<\/p>\n


I worked really closely with the directors and trying out a few things and landed on something that I\u2019m really proud of and can\u2019t wait for people to see and hear. It\u2019s an animated voiceover narrative. It\u2019s not a live-action movie. I\u2019m not gonna be wearing a plumber suit running all over. I\u2019m providing a voice for an animated character, and it is updated and unlike anything you\u2019ve heard in the Mario world before.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<\/figure>\n