{"id":107630,"date":"2022-06-21T14:54:01","date_gmt":"2022-06-21T09:24:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/awkward-moment-gb-news-interviews-cab-driver-who-actually-supports-the-rail-strike\/"},"modified":"2022-06-21T14:54:01","modified_gmt":"2022-06-21T09:24:01","slug":"awkward-moment-gb-news-interviews-cab-driver-who-actually-supports-the-rail-strike","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/awkward-moment-gb-news-interviews-cab-driver-who-actually-supports-the-rail-strike\/","title":{"rendered":"Awkward moment GB News interviews cab driver who actually supports the rail strike"},"content":{"rendered":"

As the UK’s biggest rail strike in 30 years is currently underway, GB News<\/em> decided to get the opinion of a taxi driver to discuss the impact facing cabbies – but it seems they didn’t quite anticipate his support for the unions.<\/p>\n

Presenter Ed Crawford was at Norwich train station where he spoke to taxi driver Craig Dimbleby about how the rail strikes will impact his industry.<\/p>\n

The taxi driver described the strikes as “another nail in our coffin” which will massively affect business and explained how cabbies are “just sat here now twiddling our thumbs” because there have been fewer commuters due to the strike action.<\/p>\n

<\/span>“It’s tough times for the taxi drivers and it’s even tougher times now that these rail strikes are going to put a squeeze on your trade,” Crawford later put to Dimbleby.<\/p>\n

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Though, the taxi driver didn’t exactly stick to this narrative as he shared how he backs the train unions.<\/p>\n

“Yeah first and foremost, I want to say the men and women at the train unions I totally, totally, 100 per cent back them. They have a right to stand up for their working rights and it’s unfortunate that we don’t have more unions that are strong enough to up for that.<\/p>\n

“I’m an ex-coal miner myself so I believe in the union’s structure but yeah I totally support them,” he added. “If it has to bite on us then so be it, you know we’re prepared to do that, we’re made of stronger stuff around these parts.”<\/p>\n

Crawford then abruptly ended the interview there as he thanked the taxi driver for taking the time to chat with him.<\/p>\n


\\u201c’We’re just sat here twiddling our thumbs on top of everything else.’\\n\\nGB News’ Ed Crawford speaks to taxi driver Craig Dimbleby at Norwich train station about how the rail strikes will impact his industry.\\n\\n\\ud83d\\udda5 GB News on YouTube https:\/\/t.co\/Wa58gYGZwF\\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2014 GB News (@GB News)

The clip soon circulated on social media as people believe the interview took an unexpected turn when Dimbleby voiced his support for the unions.<\/p>\n

Novara Media co-founder Aaron Bastani tweeted: “@GBNEWS were setting up this taxi driver to slag off the rail unions about this week’s strikes. Watch what happens next. Not surprised the questions stopped there!”<\/p>\n


\\u201c. @GBNEWS were setting up this taxi driver to slag off the rail unions about this week\\u2019s strikes. Watch what happens next. Not surprised the questions stopped there!\\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2014 Aaron Bastani (@Aaron Bastani)

Trade Union Congress described it as an “incredible moment” that “doesn’t go to plan” for GB News.<\/em><\/p>\n


\\u201cIncredible moment where a news reporter expects a taxi driver to criticise the rail strikes. It doesn’t go to plan…\\n\\nSolidarity with @RMTunion striking rail workers. \\n\\nhttps:\/\/t.co\/DKZJiswLJ6\\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2014 Trades Union Congress (@Trades Union Congress)

Others also voiced their amusement at the exchange and praised Dimbleby for standing up for the rail strikers.<\/p>\n


\\u201c\\ud83d\\ude02\\ud83d\\ude02When GB News think they\\u2019ll got a taxi driver to slag off the @RMTunion, but it doesn\\u2019t quite work out that way, especially not with a former coal miner\\u270a\\ud83c\\udffe\\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2014 Aamer Anwar\\u270a\\ud83c\\udffe\\ud83c\\udff3\\ufe0f\\u200d\\ud83c\\udf08#BlackLivesMatter (@Aamer Anwar\\u270a\\ud83c\\udffe\\ud83c\\udff3\\ufe0f\\u200d\\ud83c\\udf08#BlackLivesMatter)


\\u201cHilarious to watch this taxi driver being interviewed by @GBNEWS & doing the exact opposite of what he\\u2019s supposed to do (which to the right-wing media is to slag off the @RMTunion). Instead he puts in a \\ud83d\\udd25 defence of their action. Someone buy him a pint.\\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2014 Ben Sellers (@Ben Sellers)


\\u201cGB News not getting the interview they expected from a taxi driver is *chef’s kiss*\\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2014 Sean Kearns (@Sean Kearns)


\\u201cGreat solidarity from this taxi driver, an ex miner, for the rail workers. He\\u2019s right, we need more of this action & to stand together. Not sure it\\u2019s what GB News expected.\\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2014 V (@V)


\\u201cAll goes well until the final 30 seconds when a cabbie goes off script & derails the narrative. Cue a hasty end to the exchange.\\u201d<\/p>\n

\u2014 Jim McCabe (@Jim McCabe)

As last-minute talks on Monday failed, the biggest rail strike in 30 years has begun across England, Scotland and Wales over a row over pay, conditions, and jobs, with two more walk-outs planned for Thursday (June 23), and Saturday (June, 25).<\/p>\n

Consequently, it means 80 per cent of Britain’s trains are expected to be cancelled and elsewhere 10,000 London Underground workers have also gone on strike too in a separate dispute over job cuts and pensions.<\/p>\n

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