{"id":105524,"date":"2022-06-11T14:14:00","date_gmt":"2022-06-11T08:44:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/ahead-of-fraud-trial-real-housewives-star-jen-shah-has-a-message-for-both-her-naysayers-and-supporters\/"},"modified":"2022-06-11T14:14:00","modified_gmt":"2022-06-11T08:44:00","slug":"ahead-of-fraud-trial-real-housewives-star-jen-shah-has-a-message-for-both-her-naysayers-and-supporters","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/centralrecorder.com\/ahead-of-fraud-trial-real-housewives-star-jen-shah-has-a-message-for-both-her-naysayers-and-supporters\/","title":{"rendered":"Ahead Of Fraud Trial, Real Housewives Star Jen Shah Has A Message For Both Her ‘Naysayers’ And Supporters"},"content":{"rendered":"



In March of 2021, Real Housewives of Salt Lake City<\/em>\u2019s Jen Shah was arrested amidst filming the show on federal charges of conspiring to commit wire fraud and money laundering. Allegedly, she was involved in a nationwide telemarketing scheme that defrauded vulnerable populations. Some of the co-conspirators in the case, including Shah\u2019s longtime assistant Stuart Smith, have already pled guilty and await sentencing. The reality star has maintained her innocence, however, and is hoping that her upcoming trial next month doesn\u2019t get delayed any further. Ahead of those proceedings, she had a surprise message for both her \u201cnaysayers\u201d and supporters.<\/p>\n

The 48-year-old mother of two has largely refrained from doing any in-person interviews in the lead up to the trial. Recently, however, she decided to sit down with YouTube\u2019s Up and Adam!<\/a> for a nearly two-hour-long tell-all about her personal and legal situation. The host asked how Jen Shah felt about the backlash she received in March for releasing a formal \u201cFree Jen Shah\u201d merch line in light of the very serious allegations against her. Shah responded,<\/p>\n


My answer to any of the naysayers, two words: Shah Squad. That\u2019s my answer.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<\/figure>\n